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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

History: SiteStatisticsDoc

Preview of version: 4

User Documentation

Users with rthe tiki_p_view_stats permission can view several site stats from the stats screen, the stats section can be accessed from the main application menu.

insert graphic

This screen will display a number of useful statistics for the site, including panels with statistics for different sections of the site, since the stats screen will be enhanced in future versions of Tiki will recommend you to examine your stats screen to check what stats are available in your installation.

There're some charts that can be displayed:

Page views chart:

insert graphic

This chart shows the number of page views for your site for the last "n" days (use 0 for all the history). You can see if your site is improving or if it is going badly you can also see if you have some special good days or bad days.

Usage chart:

insert graphic

This chart shows the usage ratio for each section of your site, you can see what are the features of your site more appealing to users or more easy to access, you can use the information to improve or advertise impopular sections.

Try it out

please link to the live Feature on tikiwiki.org


This page is for the latest released stable version or release candidate(not stuff in CVS).

Knowledgebase / tutorial / FAQ / How-to


Who is working here generally? Link UserPage.

For more information



Information Version
Marc Laporte cleanup 5
Dennis Heltzel 4
Dennis Heltzel 3
Scott W Fischer 2

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