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History: TikiLiveCD

Preview of version: 50

There are several ways of trying Tiki CMS/Groupware on a CD which contains everything you need to boot your computer from CD, and let you go directly to using your own installation of Tiki.

The most updated one is "Slax Tiki Live CD" (see below), which can also be converted to an UsbTiki, if desired. There is also KnoppixTiki, even if it is much more outdated.

Slax-Tiki Live CD
New Tiki9 LiveCD ready to be tested!

 Changes from ealier TikiLiveCD versions
  • There is no pre-installed tiki, but Tiki6svn is ready to start the installation process.
    • You can use the database "test", with the mysql user "root", which has no password.
  • Subversion is available, so that you are able to upgrade easily to the latest Tiki6 codebase. to do that, open a terminal and type:
    Copy to clipboard
    cd /opt/lampp/htdocs/ svn up
  • PhpMyAdmin is also available to manage mysql databases easily, as well as a few database dumps from previous Tiki versions (Tiki3, Tiki4, ...) inside the folder "SQL" in the Desktop. This way you can try upgrades from previous tiki versions, etc.

-(Version 0.6)------

Tiki6 LiveCD

 Changes from ealier TikiLiveCD versions
  • There is no pre-installed tiki, but Tiki6svn is ready to start the installation process.
    • You can use the database "test", with the mysql user "root", which has no password.
  • Subversion is available, so that you are able to upgrade easily to the latest Tiki6 codebase. to do that, open a terminal and type:
    Copy to clipboard
    cd /opt/lampp/htdocs/ svn up
  • PhpMyAdmin is also available to manage mysql databases easily, as well as a few database dumps from previous Tiki versions (Tiki3, Tiki4, ...) inside the folder "SQL" in the Desktop. This way you can try upgrades from previous tiki versions, etc.
  • A few pdf documents are included which include a printed version of the doc.t.o/Documentation updated to Tiki5 (as of May 12, 2010).

-(Version 0.5)------
A new version 0.5 including a Tiki 3.0 beta1 (March 3rd, 2009) is here. In addition, subversion is installed so it will be very easy to upgrade to any further version from within the Live CD itself through getting the proper branch from the repositories. See dev:Download for more details.

Bonus: See the video showing how it was upgraded from a previous TikiLiveCD!

{FLASH(movie="http://blip.tv/play/AfGRfpSeVw", width="816", height="622", allowscriptaccess="always", allowfullscreen="true", quality="high")}{FLASH}
{flash movie="http://blip.tv/play/AfGRfpSeVw" width="816" height="622" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" quality="high" }

Still todo:

  • Add link from tw installs to see the included videos and screencasts in the live CD


  • You need to download the .iso file, and burn a CD with it through your favorite .iso burning application (K3b, Brasero, Nero, Easy CD Recorder, ...). Then, insert the recorded CD on the CD drive and ensure that your computer is able to boot from the CD before booting from the hard drive. You might need to access your BIOS settings to change boot sequence, if the TikiLiveCD does not start automatically.
  • Root user of the GNU/Linux system and its MySQL is:
    • user: root
      password: toor
  • Admin users on that tiki are:
    • user: root
      password: toor
    • user: admin
      password: nimda
      (following the same convention of users and passwords as Slax does. Nevertheless, firefox was saved remembering admin password for easiness of testing on the Live CD)
  • TikiTests can be recorded but not played back, due to missing packages on the base Slax 0.5x live CD where this TikiLiveCD is based upon.


00: After booting your computer from this CD, you'll see this welcome screen. Wait some seconds
00: After booting your computer from this CD, you'll see this welcome screen. Wait some seconds

01: the Tiki Live CD will load automatically
01: the Tiki Live CD will load automatically

02: Once fully loaded, you need to login as user 'root' and password 'toor' (see screen)
02: Once fully loaded, you need to login as user 'root' and password 'toor' (see screen)

03: Nowadays your are looged in, and you need to start de X windows
03: Nowadays your are looged in, and you need to start de X windows

04: Type 'startx' and hit ENTER
04: Type 'startx' and hit ENTER

05: The KDE (graphical windows) starts
05: The KDE (graphical windows) starts
If you cannot start the X windows properly, try executing 'xconf' on the terminal prior to attempting to start the X windows, to try to autoconfigure your graphics card for better performance on your system. Note: This Live CD based on Slax 5.1.8 is known not to work on most recent monitors (flat panels, etc.).

06: Congratulations: TikiLiveCD is up & running nicely!
06: Congratulations: TikiLiveCD is up & running nicely!

07: Once you click on the Tiki icon on the left of the screen, you'll start Tiki
07: Once you click on the Tiki icon on the left of the screen, you'll start Tiki

Note: Admin users on that tiki are:

    • user: root
      password: toor
    • user: admin
      password: nimda

Moreover, Firefox was saved remembering the admin password for easiness of testing on the Live CD

08: There are some other Extra goodies bundled, like manuals and video tutorials. Go to the Home icon on the upper left corner, and open folder Extra
08: There are some other Extra goodies bundled, like manuals and video tutorials. Go to the Home icon on the upper left corner, and open folder Extra

09: Example of one of the bundled videos and screencasts for viewing offline. See more online at http://tikiwiki.org/TikiMovies
09: Example of one of the bundled videos and screencasts for viewing offline. See more online at http://tikiwiki.org/TikiMovies

10: There also some utilities to allow creating a new iso file from this one, or to create a TikiLiveUSB stick out of this TikiLiveCD
10: There also some utilities to allow creating a new iso file from this one, or to create a TikiLiveUSB stick out of this TikiLiveCD

10b: Phpmyadmin is also included to easily manage your database through a web interface
10b: Phpmyadmin is also included to easily manage your database through a web interface

11: You can save your changes onto a new module .mo so that they can be recovered at new startup once you save them under your modules directory, when using a TikiLiveUSB
11: You can save your changes onto a new module .mo so that they can be recovered at new startup once you save them under your modules directory, when using a TikiLiveUSB

12: To exit, right click on the screen, click on Log Out root, and on the terminal window, type shutdown
12: To exit, right click on the screen, click on Log Out root, and on the terminal window, type shutdown

-(Version 0.4)------
A new version 0.4 including the official Tiki 2.0 stable (August 11th 2008) preinstalled is here. Feedback is welcome:

Still todo:

  • Add link from tw installs to see the included videos and screencasts in the live CD


  • You need to download the .iso file, and burn a CD with it through your favorite .iso burning application (K3b, Brasero, Nero, Easy CD Recorder, ...). Then, insert the recorded CD on the CD drive and ensure that your computer is able to boot from the CD before booting from the hard drive. You might need to access your BIOS settings to change boot sequence, if the TikiLiveCD does not start automatically.
  • Root user of the GNU/Linux system and its MySQL is:
    • user: root
      password: toor
  • Admin users on that tiki are:
    • user: root
      password: toor
    • user: admin
      password: nimda
      (following the same convention of users and passwords as Slax does. Nevertheless, firefox was saved remembering admin password for easiness of testing on the Live CD)
  • TikiTests can be recorded but not played back, due to missing packages on the base Slax 0.5x live CD where this TikiLiveCD is based upon.


00: After booting your computer from this CD, you'll see this welcome screen. Wait some seconds
00: After booting your computer from this CD, you'll see this welcome screen. Wait some seconds

01: the Tiki Live CD will load automatically
01: the Tiki Live CD will load automatically

02: Once fully loaded, you need to login as user 'root' and password 'toor' (see screen)
02: Once fully loaded, you need to login as user 'root' and password 'toor' (see screen)

03: Nowadays your are looged in, and you need to start de X windows
03: Nowadays your are looged in, and you need to start de X windows

04: Type 'startx' and hit ENTER
04: Type 'startx' and hit ENTER

05: The KDE (graphical windows) starts
05: The KDE (graphical windows) starts
If you cannot start the X windows properly, try executing 'xconf' on the terminal prior to attempting to start the X windows, to try to autoconfigure your graphics card for better performance on your system. Note: This Live CD based on Slax 5.1.8 is known not to work on most recent monitors (flat panels, etc.).

06: Congratulations: TikiLiveCD is up & running nicely!
06: Congratulations: TikiLiveCD is up & running nicely!

07: Once you click on the Tiki icon on the left of the screen, you'll start Tiki
07: Once you click on the Tiki icon on the left of the screen, you'll start Tiki

Note: Admin users on that tiki are:

    • user: root
      password: toor
    • user: admin
      password: nimda

Moreover, Firefox was saved remembering the admin password for easiness of testing on the Live CD

08: There are some other Extra goodies bundled, like manuals and video tutorials. Go to the Home icon on the upper left corner, and open folder Extra
08: There are some other Extra goodies bundled, like manuals and video tutorials. Go to the Home icon on the upper left corner, and open folder Extra

09: Example of one of the bundled videos and screencasts for viewing offline. See more online at http://tikiwiki.org/TikiMovies
09: Example of one of the bundled videos and screencasts for viewing offline. See more online at http://tikiwiki.org/TikiMovies

10: There also some utilities to allow creating a new iso file from this one, or to create a TikiLiveUSB stick out of this TikiLiveCD
10: There also some utilities to allow creating a new iso file from this one, or to create a TikiLiveUSB stick out of this TikiLiveCD

01phpmyadmin: Phpmyadmin is also included to easily manage your database through a web interface
01phpmyadmin: Phpmyadmin is also included to easily manage your database through a web interface

11: You can save your changes onto a new module .mo so that they can be recovered at new startup once you save them under your modules directory, when using a TikiLiveUSB
11: You can save your changes onto a new module .mo so that they can be recovered at new startup once you save them under your modules directory, when using a TikiLiveUSB

12: To exit, right click on the screen, click on Log Out root, and on the terminal window, type shutdown
12: To exit, right click on the screen, click on Log Out root, and on the terminal window, type shutdown

v0.4a (July 17th, 2008)

  • Using Tiki 2.0 RC1

v0.4b (July 22nd, 2008)

  • Using Tiki 2.0 RC2

-(Version 0.3)------
A new version 0.3 including Tiki 1.9.11 and Tiki 1.10svn (May 20th, 2008) preinstalled is here. Some snapshots will be downloadable from there, and feedback is welcome:

Still todo:

  • Add link from tw installs to see the included videos and screencasts in the live CD

v0.3j (May 23rd, 2008)

  • Tiki 1.9.11 and 1.10beta (May 20th, 2008) up and running
  • feb12.css theme fixed! (great work, Gary!)
  • new wallpaper added (thanks Luci!)
  • some TikiMovies and Screencasts from several sources added to the "Home > Extra > Videos" folder
  • some more documentation manuals added in other languages, under "Home > Extra > docs_in_other_languages" folder
  • Known issues:
    • Still big fat live CD, which will be reduced some tenths of Mb (at least) with some care later on merging modules by hand

v0.3f (April 2008)

  • Tiki 1.9.11 and 1.10beta (April 2008) are up and running
  • Known issues:
    • new theme feb12.css is not showing properly
    • error in url to moviments.net/cursos (htt://.. instead of http://...) on both 1.9.11 and 1.10 db

-(Version 0.2)------


Get it from here:

or, in case it didn't get properly your monitor information and graphic card resolution, get the alternate iso:

It has been created by teachers of the courses at Altercoms, from SLAX GNU/Linux Live/CD distribution (http://www.slax.org, vesion 5.1.8, server edition), based on a Slackware GNU/Linux distribution. And this "Slax-TikiLiveCD" has been financed by the Department of Presidency from the Autonomous Government of Catalonia (Generalitat de Catalunya - http://www.gencat.cat), with the project reference 2006 FTIC 00270.

Once you get the ISO, and burn it to a CD, boot your computer from the CD. Click on the desktop icon saying "TikiWiki", and there it is. You might likt to change the language of the KDE interface, plus keyboard, or Tiki interface. Proceed as usual to do so, or ask for support if needed.

To log in as admin user, you can do it with the same username and password than the superuser from the Slax-Tiki Live CD:

username: root
password: toor

or you can also use this account:

username: admin
password: nimda

The following is also availabe on that CD:

  • PhpMyAdmin, to manage db through web interface.
  • and a TikiWiki 1.10cvs installation, "ready" for the course on Admin. Tiki sites, level II, held at Altercoms Cooperative (see below). We mean, that Tiki is not fully installed, but only copied the files in place, and the database has not been created either. This has been left "as is" intentionally, so that those are duties that the attendant to the course of 2nd level will have to learn in short.... 😉. More info at: http://moviments.net/cursos
  • The notes from the courses (in pdf), and some other document and utility, are inside the "extra" folder, that you may find if you go to the desktop, upper left corner of the screen, where it says Home ("Inici"). Note that notes are mostly in Catalan. You can also get them from: http://gclub.cursos.ourproject.org

Team of teachers of the courses at Altercoms cooperative.

Altercoms SCCL Web: http://moviments.net/cursos


The first one was KnoppixTiki, but until somebody updates it, it's not recommended because it contains an old copy of Tiki (dated from 13. November 2004).

For more information, see KnoppixTiki


Information Version
Xavi (as xavidp - admin) 51
lissacoffey ** You can use the database "test", with the mysql user "root", which has no password. 50
lissacoffey ** You can use the database "test", with the mysql user "root", which has no password. 49
lissacoffey ** You can use the database "test", with the mysql user "root", which has no password. 48
Xavier de Pedro 47
Marc Laporte cleaner 46
Xavier de Pedro 45
MHohenberg Moodle LiveCD site is 404d. 44
Xavier de Pedro 43
Xavier de Pedro 42
Xavier de Pedro 41
Xavier de Pedro 40
Xavier de Pedro 39
Xavier de Pedro 38
Xavi (as xavidp - admin) 37
Xavi (as xavidp - admin) 36
Marc Laporte 35
Xavier de Pedro 34
Xavier de Pedro 33
Xavier de Pedro 32
Xavier de Pedro 31
Xavier de Pedro 30
Xavier de Pedro 29
Xavi (as xavidp - admin) 28
Xavier de Pedro 27
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