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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

History: TikiSignal

Preview of version: 5

Previously known as TikiEvents

  • Where are we?

We have a watch feature that emails users/admin when wiki pages change

  • Where do we want to be?

An events notification framework that covers most of the major events:
1. user registers
2. user preferences have changed
3. user information has changed
4. content published/modified
5 content unpublished/expired
6. user banned
7. user logged in
8. user becomes dormant <-- this one might be difficult to code. needed by things like the active users module.
9. feature enabled
10 feature disabled

  • Who is working on what? (Priorities/goals/majors issues/roles)

First step is proof of concept, being worked upon by mdavey


Who is working here generally? Link UserPage.

  • mdavey - coding a proof of concept
  • amette - providing support, encouragement and backup 😉

  • Bugs
  • RFEs
  • tech support
  • patches

Competition and standards

List of other products with similar/interesting/related features.

How to implement?

  • SOAP
  • PHP callback function
  • Message service

CVS Doc section

This is where new features being developed and only in CVS are documented. When the CVS becomes RC/official release, the info in the CVS docs is transferred to update the official docs (FeatureXDoc).

possible functions:

register_pre_event_callback( event, function, self );
register_event_callback( event, function, self );
register_post_event_callback( event, function, self );
raise_event( event, data[], self );
unregister_callback( event, function, self );

example callback function:

callback_function_eventA( raisedBy, data[] )


Observers register a callback on an event. Two specialised forms of callback allow an observer to be notified immediately before the main list so they can prepare, or after the main list so they can tidy up.

An observable raises an event notification by calling tikiinternaleventlib->raise_event(...). The library then calls all the functions in the pre_event, event and post_event lists in turn.

When an observer no longer needs to be notified of an event, it calls tikiinternaleventlib->unregister_callback(...) with the same arguments it used to request a callback.


Where ideas can be exchanged, debated, etc. Interested people can subscribe to the wiki page and/or to these forums as they would a mailing list.

  • Need to insert transcript of irc log for evening of July 16th 2005


Information Version
Michael Davey added pseudocode section 11
amette added the kick-off IRC-log 10
Michael Davey 9
Michael Davey 8
Michael Davey 7
sylvie greverend user becomes dormant 6
Michael Davey 5
Michael Davey 4
Michael Davey 3
Michael Davey initial commit 2
Michael Davey template only 1

Upcoming Events

1)  15 Aug 2024 14:00 GMT-0000
Tiki Roundtable Meeting
2)  19 Sep 2024 14:00 GMT-0000
Tiki Roundtable Meeting
Tiki birthday
4)  17 Oct 2024 14:00 GMT-0000
Tiki Roundtable Meeting
5)  21 Nov 2024 14:00 GMT-0000
Tiki Roundtable Meeting
6)  19 Dec 2024 14:00 GMT-0000
Tiki Roundtable Meeting