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History: UserPagegferreira

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My name is Gustavo Ferreira and here is some information about me.


I am brazilian but am currently living in Germany.

I speak fluently portuguese (my mother-language), german and english, and can communicate well in spanish.

Huge list, in no particular order: design, type design, interaction design, design theory, ethics, philosophy, literature, arts, information technology, education, sports, cultures, nature...


I came across Tikiwiki a few months ago, while i was looking for open-source wiki, forum and cms systems to use in a project. I was very happy to find out that Tikiwiki offers these and many more features...

Since then i have been working in building my web-site using Tikiwiki. Work is still in progress... as soon as the web-site is open to the public i'll post the link here.

I have also been reading a lot about free software and would like to get more involved and contribute. Tikiwiki developers: if you need a designer (to make icons, themes, interface design, logo...), feel free to contact me on gustavofcs (at) ig.com.br.


I graduated as graphic and product designer at the Esdi (Rio de Janeiro, Brasil) in 2003.

Communication planning
I am currently finishing a masters degree in Communication, planning and design at the hfg schwäbisch gmünd, in Germany.

Type design
In september 2005 i will continue my strudies at the master Type&Media at the KABK in The Hague, in the Netherlands. This is a one-year course in type design (= fonts) and type technolgies; if you are interested in this topic you can take a look at their wiki.

I work mainly with type-design – you can take a look at some of my fonts at Ultrafonts. And at EstereoDesign's website you can have one of my bitmap fonts for free.

Congratulations to the tiki-crew for the good work - tikiwiki is great! I look forward to get more involved with the tiki community...

- Gustavo.


Information Version
Gustavo Ferreira 8
Gustavo Ferreira 7
Gustavo Ferreira 6
Gustavo Ferreira 5
Gustavo Ferreira 4
Gustavo Ferreira 3
Gustavo Ferreira 2
Gustavo Ferreira 1

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