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History: UserPagejamesoftopiya

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Hi, I am James and I am the WebKeeper at a site called Topiya.com.

Topiya.com is in fact a webhost that caters to the "healing community".

Now before we get into my TikiWiki experence let me tell you about me.

I am a

  • Music maker, I play a midi horn
  • Spirt Healer
  • BadFriend

I have been playing with the TikiWiki system for a while. After much though or something we have decided to try TikiWiki as an experement on a educational basis. From my point of view it is an interesting system. I enjoy the way it works for me. I have played with most of the popular CMS systems and find that this seems to call to me. It may not be racional.

I would like to share some of my experences that I have had with the TikiWiki system.

However as this is a Wiki and this is my UserPage I want to let you know a bit about me. The thing that I am doing with the TikiWiki system would make more sence then I think. What I am trying to create is a community of communitys with voices from a very diverse background. It has to be easy and understandable.

Where I was many years ago was sitting in frount of a timex-sinclar trying to make hang man work. But then I thought I should go be a farmer. And I did for many years. Now I am back in frount of the screen and forget all that I saw. BUT like a bicycle rider perhaps you never forget. Some how though this has to be tempered with how my clients see things.

My main background is that of an expander of ideas. I need to create a web space where others may share thier ideas readly. I think that I have found that in TikiWiki. Right now what I have been looking at is how others look at the TikiWiki method. Like I saw it seems to make sence to me but will it to others?

At this time I am in the middle of moving servers and stuff but if you go to topiya.com you may see some TikiWiki in action. Some of the things that I have done are kind of interesting I think.

Sorry I will create the links to these later.

Well I really like the tracker system and have been playing with it.

tracker guest book
tracker faq
tracker friend finder

We have created a couple of surveys

fill in the blanks later.

The customization that we have done is currently not up but in the near future we hope to show some of the easy ways that TikiWiki may be customized. One thing that I have noticed is that a great number of the TikiWiki site that I see are basic theme sites. I like TikiWiki in part in that it is so readible custimaiable.

As I say I have just moved servers and have also chosen to go to the 1.8 ver. I have got a few choice words about this but this is learning time , right?

Oh by the way folks sorry I took so long to say hello but I have been mega busy. I would like to show off some of the things that I have learnt about the TikiWiki system and also some of my woes.

later, James


Information Version
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