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History: UserPagejamesoftopiya

Preview of version: 13

Hi, I am James and I keep the web alive at a nunber of tikiwiki sites

Now before we get into my TikiWiki experence let me tell you about me.
I am a

  • Music maker, I play a midi horn as my fav, but what ever else happens to be at hand (Guitar, Piano, Recorder) is ok.
  • Spirit Healer, Most of my work has been spirit driven, as it is with tikiwiki. My main interests are related to how we view the world rather then how we may gain. My main direction as far as my work as webkeeper is to share these ideas.
  • Adventureing Friend, As an Adventureing Friend I hope that I am there. I have taken many on trips they thought they would not take. They (hopefully) have felt safe.
Oh God (not tikiwiki god) not more

So as this is a Wiki and this is my UserPage I want to let you know a bit about me. The thing that I am doing with the TikiWiki system would make more sence then I think.
Right now in the present, as a WebKeeper what I am trying to help create is a community of communitys with voices from a very diverse background. It has to be easy and understandable.
Where I was many years ago was sitting in frount of a timex-sinclar trying to make hang man work. But then I thought I should go be a farmer. And I did grow great organic foods for many years. Now I am back in frount of the screen and forget all that I saw. BUT like a bicycle rider perhaps you never forget. (OR NOT) Some how though this has to be tempered with how my clients see things.
My main background is that of an expander of ideas. I need to create a web space where others may share thier ideas readly. I think that I have found that in TikiWiki. Right now what I have been looking at is how others look at the TikiWiki method. Like I say it seems to make sence to me but will it to others?


It seems to me that I have been a part ot the TikiWiki family for a long time. (WebYears) but have offered littlle. I keep up todate on things but little more. I woulld like to change that in the time to come. I need to share more with you, the community.
later, James
hows the ice this feb 17 2004?
The snow is melting. and tikiwiki rock in 2004 1.9 final is in the wind.

At this time I am in the middle of moving servers and stuff but if you go to topiya.com you may see some TikiWiki in action. Some of the things that I have done are kind of interesting I think.

Where were we?

And so now
I have been playing with the TikiWiki system for a while. I have played with most of the popular CMS systems and find that this seems to call to me. It may not be racional. After much though or something we have decided to try TikiWiki as the main frame of all the efforts of several areas. From my point of view it is an interesting system. I enjoy the way it works for me.

I would like to share some of my experences that I have had with the TikiWiki system.

Sorry I will create the links to these later.

Some ))TikiWiki(( Projects!

Well I really like the tracker system and have been playing with it.
One of my great dev heros (maybe because he is my sons age, oh happy birthday!) has been making the forms system (Trackers) amazing.

We have just upgraded a site we have to the latest (today) (Now March 5 2004) CVS 1.9 Sirius. This site is really not open to the public at this time but it has a neat tracker in it It is an attempt at a Help desk FAQ system.
This is a really good tracker system now and the changes in the last weeks have been amazing!
mose, this is good! Man I wish I had this back when I was a farmer! I Would have had every one of my gardens carfully tracked. But now it goes way beyond that.
OK, STOP, right here! Most of the rest is for people that are interested it the TikeWiki system, no more no less.
For the 1.9 Sirius version This is really looking like what the trackers could be.

  • Latest update is nice but lots of errors, now remember this is CVS!.

One that is sorta the same but weeks older version of tikiwiki at

Help Desk Tracker 1.9 CVS jan 18 This one is not working correctly since it last upgrade. Sometimes the sort function does not work.

Seperating We from I

OK so I say I and We, Whats the difference? Well in this case I would be my point of view and We would be the groups that I work with. As you know I guess I am at this site jamesoftopiya. At the other sites you may see me as the Webkeeper and I voice not only my self but the users as well.

TikiWiki Hosts

Well I, We do host TikiWiki sites. However, this is not something that we push at this time becuse of the large footprint. As a TikiWiki host I would like to open disscussion about this. (the large footprint) When I can offer Xoops at 7 megs phpwebsite at 12 megs and those nuke things at ?? megs why do We want to sell TikiWiki at 25-40 megs?


Because I Believe it is THE BEST. Sorry did I expose myself?
We would not!

Other Stuff

Oh by the way folks sorry I took so long to say hello but I have been mega busy. I would like to show off some of the things that I have learnt about the TikiWiki system and also some of my woes.

TikiWiki and C-Panel

Could the TikiWiki C-Panel connection be bad for the TikiWiki community?
As a web host that offers the latest and greatest I now find myself with the Fantistico option on some sites that will install TikiWiki. This concerns me.
In one way it may be great. But with Fantistico they choose the version to use. They often are not really up to date and they offer no support!


Information Version
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