
History: UserPageterris

Preview of version: 28


I'm Terris Linenbach. I've been a Wiki fan since I first saw the Portland Pattern Repository before the word "web" became part of popular culture.

I installed Tiki on my personal website, which is a Linux server, starting in July 2003. I immediately became a Tiki advocate.

My TW Sites

More to come!

TW Editing Kickstart

I wrote my own Sandbox type Wiki page. It has taken me about six months to find most of the Wiki tricks and I hope others can benefit from my research being cataloged in a single location.

TW Installation

I wrote the brief install instructions for IIS at IisInstall. UserPagemarclaporte deserves the credit for uploading this content from my personal website.

I don't much care for Wiki Words. I think the (( syntax invented by the Tiki team is brilliant.

TW Usage

At work, we use Tiki Wiki as a knowledge base for our support folks, a design metabase for our developers, and a project metabase for project managers. Wikis are extremely flexible. We really only use Tiki for its Wiki at work becase everyone is already used to Exchange, Office, and TeamTrack which is an expensive and utterly horrid bug tracking system. I hope that someday Trackers can replace the need for bug tracking software (keep working mose! lol).

Wiki Organization

I am still struggling with organizing large Wikis, whether to use naming conventions or categories or Wiki pages that are (usually incomplete) tables of contents. I just don't see a really clean solution and this issue haunts all Wikis. I guess namespace issues are never solved very well.

The category feature of Tiki is quite innovative. Attempting to categorize a Wiki is like trying to write an index for a book. It's very time consuming. I like the fact that it's easy to add pages to categories via the "categoies" menu item, but it's a pain to remove objects from categories in bulk. I have a love hate relationship with browser based applications.

Categories eventually falter because they become a dumping ground for pages. Page descriptions do help quite a bit though.

See <a href="#ircnamespace">below</a> for an IRC discussion regarding this topic

Do Wikis work for product definition/development?

I am peeved by those who use Office documents instead of the Wiki. I'm biased and thing everything should be in a common Wiki. But there are reasons for Wiki resistance beyond ignorance. The Wiki is cumbersome, especially when you need to draw pictures or describe a complex topic.

See MindJet's MindManager. Very interesting. It's a tool for decomposing complex subjects into sub-subjects. This tool extends beyond the typical "outliner."

I have been experimenting with structures which allows you create a "book" consisting of multiple Wiki pages.

I don't necessarily think this is better than, say, a powerpoint document. Powerpoint is a lot easier to read and navigate.

Structures help in organizing related pages but they don't solve all the problems. The common namespace of a Wiki is a strength and a weakness. The lack of the ability to divvy up the namespace results in a sea of documents that can be easily lost. Large Wiki pages are difficult to edit due to the lack of a wysiwyg editor.

As time passes, products evolve. Version 2 replaces version 1. It may be desirable to preserve the documentation for version 1 rather than replace it with version 2 contents. Therefore it seems that the best course of action is to dedicate one wiki "namespace" to each product version.

A "global" wiki namespace is for concepts that are time invariant. For example, definitions of common terms.

Wikis must be topic-centric. Attempting to use one Wiki namespace for a broad range of topics results in a disaster.

I often feel that I have an important thought, but it isn't ready yet to be written down in Powerpoint or wiki. I have found blog entries to be useful for these types of thoughts. The danger, though, is that the time won't be taken to transfer these thoughts into something more formal. The attraction of a wiki page is that multiple minds can collaborate on a single topic. Blog entries can only be commented upon and not modified directly.

In the early days of a project, at least, it seems that some combination of Powerpoint, blogs, and Wiki is best. Microsoft's Team Share (or whatever) seems like the best commercial solution out there. Every wonk I deal with likes writing Office documents and it's nearly impossible to make them change their habits.

TW Nits

My biggest gripe about TW usability is the lack of wysiwyg wiki editing. This makes TW wiki adoption extremely difficult especially for non-geek users. See EditorDev.

RSS feeds could be even more useful if they were better implemented. When attachments or comments are altered, nothing appears in the feed, nor does it appear in the calendar. Boo!

I think it's odd that __ is used for bold and === is used for underlining. First of all, an underscore *is* an underline, so these formats are reversed. Secondly, I have to type two _'s and three ='s. So much for ease of use. My users typically just use HTML because in many cases it's easier.

Please see this tracker item for the much needed "send Wiki page as HTML via email" feature.

I have high expectations for free software and I personally implore all you Tiki developers to stop working for free! biggrin You're making us Java/C#/C++ programmers look bad.

MySql Database Corruption

I have found this page invaluable for de-corrupting a tiki database. It has saved my life!

Stupid Tiki Tricks

ActiveDirectory Integration

I'd like to authenticate using Microsoft's Active Directory. Any ideas how to do this?

    • This has been answered in the comments

Disabling CSRF (sea surfing) Detection

Comment out the contents of check_ticket in lib/tikiticketlib.php

Date format in calendar

The date format is hard-coded. Edit tiki-calendar.php and replace the text "%d/%m" with, say, the much better (:biggrin:) "%m/%d" format. I have submitted a feature request that the calendar use the user's date format preference.

Allowing users who don't have global tiki_p_view to edit certain Wiki pages

  1. Click "perms" while viewing the wiki page and assign tiki_p_view and tiki_p_edit to the group that the user is in
  2. Modify tiki-editpage.php and replace the code

if ($tiki_p_view != 'y') {


if (0) { // $tiki_p_view != 'y'

Large File Upload (galleries, attachments)

IRC Chat on Wiki Namespace

<a name="ircnamespace"></a>

14:26 UTC : batatata Uhu! Another tikiwiki project! An educational one! :-D
14:27 UTC : Joined Eilorux (~Derfet@pcp01125044pcs.frsrc101.mi.comcast.net)
14:27 UTC : Eilorux Damian, Mose?
14:28 UTC : batatata Has anyone done a Wiki Gallery?
14:29 UTC : Joined marcius__ (~marcius@fe01.ats-online.it)
14:30 UTC : Parted marcius__ (~marcius@fe01.ats-online.it)
14:38 UTC : Joined Molina (~Molina@pool-138-89-143-217.mad.east.verizon.net)
14:39 UTC : Molina ola
14:39 UTC : batatata Ola molina!
14:39 UTC : Molina hi bata. :-)
14:40 UTC : batatata Molina: where did you got that "ola" from? That's my native language :-)
14:41 UTC : vegy signoff: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)
14:42 UTC : Molina i'm lazy about the h
14:42 UTC : Molina what language is ola?
14:42 UTC : batatata portuguese
14:42 UTC : Molina hola looks weird to me in english
14:42 UTC : Molina aha
14:43 UTC : Molina better spellers in portuguese I think
14:43 UTC : Molina spanish has too many letters
14:50 UTC : Eilorux signoff:
14:50 UTC : batatata hehehe
14:51 UTC : Parted jahlewis (~jahlewis@
14:51 UTC : batatata spanish is funny for us here
14:53 UTC : comarZzz is now known as comar
14:53 UTC : dgd is now known as dgd|school
15:04 UTC : Rachaelt signoff: "Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com)"
15:15 UTC : Ahriman signoff: "Ciao!"
15:18 UTC : melmut signoff: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)
15:19 UTC : kint is now known as tink-
15:34 UTC : batatata signoff: "Leaving"
15:44 UTC : Joined skullaria (~sorry@pcp01065532pcs.rome01.tn.comcast.net)
15:50 UTC : Joined sylvieg (~sylvie@h000c419c6cdb.ne.client2.attbi.com)
15:50 UTC : ChanServ sets mode +o sylvieg
16:05 UTC : Joined eHa (~eHa@barr608b.Berkeley.EDU)
16:16 UTC : eHa signoff: "Leaving"
16:17 UTC : Joined musus (musus@core-dc-2-250.dynamic-dialup.coretel.net)
16:36 UTC : 4-tea-2 anyone awake?
16:36 UTC : 4-tea-2 i enabled something, not sure what, and now i have a "My Tiki (Click!)" entry on top of the menu
16:36 UTC : 4-tea-2 when a user clicks on it, he's greeted with an empty page
16:37 UTC : 4-tea-2 how do i disable it or make it something useful?
16:37 UTC : musus i think it's at the bottom of the general admin page
16:37 UTC : musus is multi-tasking
16:40 UTC : 4-tea-2 can't find it there, but i keep looking :-)
16:41 UTC : musus try "features" :-)
16:43 UTC : 4-tea-2 been there, but i don't think it's there. or i don't know what to look for.
16:44 UTC : musus i'm pretty sure it's in one of the two
16:45 UTC : 4-tea-2 "Custom Home"?
16:45 UTC : musus nah... towards the bottom
16:45 UTC : musus something about user prefs
16:48 UTC : 4-tea-2 i must be blind
16:49 UTC : 4-tea-2 there's a toggle 'user preferences screen', but i'm pretty sure that's the user preferences screen and not the 'my tiki' screen
16:49 UTC : musus sorry dude.. i'm a little tied up right now. i'd be happy to help in a lil bit though
16:49 UTC : musus yeah
16:50 UTC : Joined Eilorux (~Eilorux@h-66-134-103-34.SFLDMIDN.covad.net)
16:54 UTC : 4-tea-2 ah, i see, the page is supposed to be filled with the stuff the user created (which doesn't seem to work for my admin account, and the user test account didn't create anything)
16:54 UTC : musus ah
16:54 UTC : musus :-(
16:55 UTC : Eilorux Musus: Where do I go exactly to post a bug?
16:55 UTC : musus Eilorux: tiki's sf page
16:55 UTC : Joined ivar (~bop@h209-17-181-243.gtconnect.net)
16:55 UTC : musus you click on "bugs" i think
16:55 UTC : 4-tea-2 10:32 >@Damian Parker< SourceForge bug tracker, or if you want as you get used to tiki email me it damian(AT)tikiwiki(DOT)org as I'm squishing them in 1.8
16:56 UTC : musus that's the name of the link
16:56 UTC : Eilorux It's a Cookie matter that my ISP techie found...
16:56 UTC : Eilorux thanks.
16:57 UTC : ivar i can't find documentation on tikiwiki's user management system/features
16:58 UTC : 4-tea-2 ivar, checked doc.tikiwiki.org in addition to tw.o?
16:59 UTC : musus no prob :-)
16:59 UTC : musus cool
16:59 UTC : Eilorux Thanks Damian.
17:00 UTC : ivar yeah.. there's placeholders but no actual links :-(
17:03 UTC : 4-tea-2 ivar, i guess that means: wait two days and try again, or ask specific questions
17:04 UTC : 4-tea-2 nice bug, tooltips (e.g. wiki page descriptions) are subject to tiki-link replacement (they shouldn't be)
17:05 UTC : ivar ok, how fine grained is the user management ?
17:05 UTC : ivar are there ACLs in tiki ?
17:05 UTC : DeSigna signoff: Read error: 113 (No route to host)
17:09 UTC : RickCogley signoff: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)
17:09 UTC : Joined RickCogley (~RickCogle@125.pool29.dsl8mtokyo.att.ne.jp)
17:14 UTC : ivar signoff: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)
17:15 UTC : Joined ggeller (~ggeller@
17:15 UTC : ggeller Hello everybody.
17:15 UTC : Eilorux Hi ggeller.
17:17 UTC : Eilorux Question for those awake and present... Why are there two admin menus. The SECTION admin menu you arrive at with clicking on the ADMIN (CLICK!) top level menu item and those items underneath it in the spill-down menu?
17:18 UTC : sQuare why does MSIE suck sooooooooooooooooooo much???
17:18 UTC : ggeller I wondered the same thing.
17:18 UTC : ggeller My guess is that both softwares grew rather than being designed.
17:19 UTC : Eilorux Was the admin menu and SECTION menu created separately when TW was being built?
17:22 UTC : ggeller I wasn't paying attention to tiki at that time.
17:22 UTC : Eilorux I know... same here. I wish i'd found it sooner.
17:22 UTC : ggeller If you really need to know you might get an answer on the tiki-devel list.
17:23 UTC : musus signoff:
17:23 UTC : Eilorux Yeah... I've been thinking about how best to approach this one... it's just a suggestion to re-think the use of the SECTIONS screen menu vs adding them to the ADMIN spill-down menu or vis-versa.
17:28 UTC : Parted sylvieg (~sylvie@h000c419c6cdb.ne.client2.attbi.com)
17:33 UTC : Joined batatata (~lfagundes@
17:33 UTC : batatata Hi everybody
17:36 UTC : Joined colorado (~default@ACC7D9A0.ipt.aol.com)
17:38 UTC : colorado hello?
17:39 UTC : Eilorux It's quiet here.
17:39 UTC : colorado yes indeed!!
17:40 UTC : colorado >FONT SIZE="5"<BOO>/FONT<
17:40 UTC : Eilorux I tried stirring the bird nest, and nothing responded.
17:40 UTC : colorado :-)
17:40 UTC : batatata got scared
17:40 UTC : colorado LOLOL
17:40 UTC : colorado can anyone out there test my free world dialup number for me?
17:41 UTC : batatata colorado: sure, what's the address
17:41 UTC : batatata I'm I supposed to dial anything? this I can't
17:42 UTC : damian :-)
17:42 UTC : colorado oh well thanks for trying :-)
17:42 UTC : colorado DAMO!!
17:42 UTC : damian lol :-) YES??? :-)
17:43 UTC : batatata I need a wiki gallery, has anyone thought about that already?
17:44 UTC : colorado what u mean, batata
17:44 UTC : Eilorux Nice Idea Batatata
17:45 UTC : colorado what's a wiki gallery?
17:45 UTC : batatata I'm discussing it with dgd, but he went to school
17:45 UTC : Eilorux Describe it Batatata
17:45 UTC : batatata Users would be able to have wikis
17:46 UTC : batatata You create a wiki, than authorized people can go there and use it
17:47 UTC : colorado you can't already do that with user groups?
17:48 UTC : ggeller A private wiki for each user/group? Sigh...
17:49 UTC : Joined terris2_ (~terris@
17:49 UTC : batatata was in the phone
17:50 UTC : batatata yes, I private wiki for each user/group.
17:50 UTC : batatata I need a private for each user, but the idea is for each user/group to have as many as they like, private or not
17:50 UTC : batatata like file galleries, image galleries, wiki galleries. You create a new wiki with desired permissions
17:51 UTC : Eilorux Excellent... What I was thinking WIKI was about all along.
17:51 UTC : ggeller I disagree. Wiki's are for collaboration.
17:51 UTC : ggeller Who are your users?
17:51 UTC : batatata ops, I would say "yes, a private...", but a and I sounds equal to me in different languages, (LOL)
17:52 UTC : ggeller Who are your users? I bet you won't find a user community that will support multiple wikis.
17:52 UTC : ggeller It is too confusing and too much work.
17:52 UTC : batatata well, wiki's are for collaboration, but this is can differ from project to project. I don't want to take the main wiki off, admin may choose not to use wiki galleries
17:52 UTC : ggeller Set up more than one tiki then. See RecipeMultiTiki on tw.o.
17:53 UTC : batatata first case, at university. we need each course to make a course wiki, so during 4 months all user will write the wiki together, one tikiwiki managing everything
17:53 UTC : batatata I won't ask the teachers to be installing tikiwikis :-)
17:53 UTC : ggeller I think you should use more than one wiki.
17:53 UTC : ggeller Set them up for them.
17:54 UTC : ggeller professorx.myuinversity.edu, professory.myuniversity.edu, etc. etc. etc.
17:55 UTC : batatata I don't need all tikiwiki replicated. The forums, content, everything can be in one tikiwiki, why setting everything up again? and why installing one by one, when I need tens of teachers to be doing this alone?
17:55 UTC : batatata and if you just need one wiki, just turn this feature off :-)
17:55 UTC : ggeller Have you read RecipeMultiTiki on tw.o?
17:56 UTC : ggeller batatata: Look at tiki-index.php and tiki-editpage.php.
17:56 UTC : batatata I've read http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=MultiTiki
17:56 UTC : ggeller Then tell me how easy it would be to add multiple tikis.
17:56 UTC : ggeller I mean multiple wikis.
17:56 UTC : mose I work on an eaiser one even
17:57 UTC : ggeller mose?
17:58 UTC : batatata hi mose :-)
17:58 UTC : mose yo bata
17:58 UTC : batatata are you working on anything related to that?
17:59 UTC : mose well, yes, from many point of views
18:00 UTC : Morphous_ is now known as Amorphous
18:00 UTC : mose but it's not a proof of anything I work on so many things
18:01 UTC : Joined Ahriman (~mail@chello062178036189.13.11.univie.teleweb.at)
18:02 UTC : batatata :-). I'll have this multi wiki implemented in 1.8 by marth 10th, maybe it's worth implementing in tiki distribution
18:02 UTC : ggeller Gotta go to the sawbones.
18:02 UTC : ggeller signoff: "Client exiting"
18:05 UTC : mose by march 10th ?
18:05 UTC : mose you'll have it ?
18:05 UTC : mose you code it ?
18:06 UTC : batatata I need to :-)
18:06 UTC : batatata I'm talking to dgd, he has exact same needs
18:07 UTC : mose but it's true han culturally wiki is a cloud, some details make it not easy to mulitply it in subclouds
18:07 UTC : batatata for example?
18:08 UTC : mose linking for example
18:08 UTC : mose coments and attachement dealing
18:08 UTC : mose some plugin will be a mess too I think
18:09 UTC : batatata Ah, ok... the idea is not divide the wiki for any reason, but to have many. they won't communicate
18:09 UTC : batatata I agree that if they're to be connected, than no meaning in having more than one
18:09 UTC : mose it's just like adding a pram in tiki_pages ?
18:09 UTC : batatata yes, just like that
18:09 UTC : batatata and if no param is added, it takes the main default wiki
18:10 UTC : mose oh well, that can be handled, but there still will be a problem youy add another param in query too
18:10 UTC : batatata that is The Site Wiki, not on gallery
18:10 UTC : mose for naming collisions
18:10 UTC : batatata ah, ok, we have to change whole lib to add a parameter everywhere
18:10 UTC : mose and add that param to everything thtat links to wiki
18:10 UTC : mose not only the lib
18:11 UTC : mose but each other feature that link to wiki
18:11 UTC : batatata is anything wiki-related that is not in the lib?
18:11 UTC : mose for example you can use the last_modif_pages in an article
18:11 UTC : batatata no, we don't, because this will be a separate feature. There will be one main site wiki, not in gallery. Say, wiki id 0 on site.
18:12 UTC : mose it needs then an extra param to know what wiki get last from
18:12 UTC : batatata if anything links to the wiki without passing the parameter, we assume that it's main wiki
18:12 UTC : mose there is a default one ?
18:12 UTC : mose well, that can be tried
18:12 UTC : mose I bet on some side effects that can be tricky to handle
18:12 UTC : batatata and we do that on lib level. Yes, they're separated things I think. Because we use the wiki as core site for lots of reasons
18:13 UTC : mose but no risk no fun
18:13 UTC : batatata of course :-)
18:13 UTC : batatata so, we maintain this core, that can be used for site content. the other wikis are not core-integrated to tiki, they're just wikis about something that a user can create
18:15 UTC : batatata If I did this just for me and not tiki, I would even make a separated table and copy&paste code :-)
18:15 UTC : batatata I has hired to develop this wikifarm integrated with a 3D graph navigator, that's already being developed by another guy
18:16 UTC : batatata And today I convinced them to use tiki :-)
18:16 UTC : mose oh yes I heard about this
18:16 UTC : mose sounds funny
18:16 UTC : batatata yeah, I hope it get's like I imagine, will be cool
18:16 UTC : mose 3d file management is an old dream, many tried something
18:17 UTC : batatata Maybe we'll have to wait for more processing and libs, we're getting ther
18:18 UTC : batatata well, if we have attachments to wiki, you can have 3D file management by organizing your files in graph instead of a tree. A new concept! :-)
18:18 UTC : mose not very new, but a new usage :-)
18:18 UTC : mose for a broader range of users
18:19 UTC : mose I know some p�ople that already use such tings in some research labs
18:19 UTC : mose but mainly because they have money and time
18:19 UTC : mose and taste for fun
18:19 UTC : batatata yeah :-). a new concept of organizing your files, I mean. imagine if you have all your system files in graph instead of tree. no directories, cool :-)
18:19 UTC : mose you know umap and knowledge trees ?
18:20 UTC : mose that's patented but interesting
18:20 UTC : batatata I've read a bit of a knowledge base, but I forogot the name, I'll remember in minutes
18:20 UTC : batatata Ahn, you say Levy's knowledge trees?
18:21 UTC : batatata my mom is official reseller where she lives :-)
18:22 UTC : mose http://www.trivium.fr/us/index.htm
18:22 UTC : batatata and the client of this wiki thing has worked direct with pierre levy in this project
18:22 UTC : Joined melmut (~hjds@pc-sanzot.auto.ucl.ac.be)
18:22 UTC : mose but it's an exepensive shit I have to say
18:22 UTC : mose it's like thievery
18:22 UTC : mose it should be free
18:23 UTC : batatata Yes, very expensive. my mom doesn't sell much because of that, I think she's not working much more on that
18:23 UTC : mose I know a reseller too
18:23 UTC : mose surprising that it's also an aged woman
18:23 UTC : mose but it can't be your mother
18:23 UTC : batatata and the worse part is that the creators are free software believers, but they work for someone who is not
18:23 UTC : mose or is she ?
18:24 UTC : batatata in brasilia? :-)
18:24 UTC : mose no, in paris :-)
18:24 UTC : melmut hi, I have found some potential bug in tiki 1.8
18:25 UTC : batatata hi melmut
18:25 UTC : melmut I used to have menus with many options on the same position
18:25 UTC : batatata tell us :-)
18:25 UTC : mose potential ? you mean it can be a feature ?
18:25 UTC : batatata (LOL)
18:25 UTC : mose :-)
18:25 UTC : melmut tiki 1.7.* and below used to live with it without problem
18:25 UTC : mose same position like in same order in menu ?
18:26 UTC : mose application menu is sorted from 1.8
18:26 UTC : melmut eg: something like pos 1 for both "Welcome" and "News"
18:27 UTC : mose admin-menu_options.php ?
18:27 UTC : melmut the order for these options did not matter, as long as they appeared in the same group
18:28 UTC : mose batatata : for your information I planned to add a param in wiki for 1.9 if I had time, so there can be multiwiki
18:28 UTC : mose but my goal was for translation system
18:28 UTC : mose and make multi-wiki be possible transversal and linked as in virtual planes
18:28 UTC : mose but if you get the topic in mind and fingers, I can just help you
18:29 UTC : melmut for this options thing, my problem is that tiki 1.8 only displays 1 option for each position
18:29 UTC : mose yes
18:29 UTC : mose that's a feature
18:29 UTC : melmut ok, that's why I wasn't sure it was a bug
18:29 UTC : mose that's because there are options now and some with samee pos can be displayed to diff people
18:30 UTC : mose like perms, group or section
18:31 UTC : melmut ok, but why can't there be more than 1 option in the same position for the same user?
18:32 UTC : mose hmm
18:32 UTC : mose I think it's an arbitrary choice
18:33 UTC : mose the optimal would have to get a visual ordering, numbers are crap
18:33 UTC : melmut i agree
18:33 UTC : mose but visual can be done it's just somewhat complicated to handle
18:34 UTC : mose therefore it has been successfully handled in structures recently
18:34 UTC : mose that maybe will be a model
18:34 UTC : mose for menus and some other ordered lists
18:36 UTC : melmut ok. for now, should i correct this? i think it won't break anything, but would make transition to 1.8 easier
18:37 UTC : mose please don't
18:37 UTC : mose I would like to find out why
18:37 UTC : mose I don't remind a reason right now
18:38 UTC : mose but I wriote that change I should be able to remember
18:38 UTC : melmut ok
18:38 UTC : mose but I usualy do things on purpose
18:38 UTC : mose I just have to be sure I was clear at that moment ;)
18:43 UTC : Joined filmil (~filip@dslam223-182-166-62.adsl.zonnet.nl)
18:44 UTC : filmil greets all.
18:44 UTC : filmil anyone in mood for answering a question?
18:44 UTC : filmil :-)
18:44 UTC : filmil great! here goes;
18:44 UTC : batatata mose: this inter-relating wikis are another different thing, putting that parameter will make things easier for that
18:44 UTC : filmil can wiki structures have more than 1 outline level?
18:44 UTC : filmil i.e. I can make 1
18:44 UTC : filmil and 1.1
18:44 UTC : filmil but 1.1.1 does not work. (1.7.4)
18:44 UTC : filmil is this a feature_
18:44 UTC : filmil ?
18:47 UTC : Hory signoff: "ziggerfau-gerrrnuf, Ah-ah, Pahoy-hoy"
18:48 UTC : mose batatata : inter-linking them can be a second step
18:48 UTC : mose in 1.8 structures have been rewwritten in most parts
18:49 UTC : mose maybe it introduced the recursivity that we can enjoy in 1.8
18:51 UTC : filmil mose: thanks for info.
18:52 UTC : batatata yes, I it's more complex. dgd and I (and whoever wants to :-) ) will discuss that, he has same needs as me
18:54 UTC : mose I know his needs
18:54 UTC : mose I work with him on them
18:55 UTC : mose and I host his website (with pain and load, I need a bigger server for such a user ;)
18:55 UTC : mose but his classroom is very good for testing ground
18:56 UTC : mose kids are the best debuggers you can find
18:56 UTC : mose they jump in holes very fast
18:58 UTC : batatata cool. yes, kids are fast, they'll be taking some people's jobs in twenty years :-)
18:58 UTC : sQuare :-)
19:07 UTC : batatata in tiki's db there are tables named tiki_*, users_*, galaxia_ and the messu_messages. Is there any criteria for a namespace?
19:08 UTC : batatata I've made users_score to have users's score, but current karma system uses tiki_userpoints
19:21 UTC : Joined tomb (~tomb@ATuileries-107-1-1-158.w217-128.abo.wanadoo.fr)
19:30 UTC : terris2_ anyone care to chat about wiki organization ?
19:32 UTC : skullaria organization?
19:32 UTC : batatata cares, whatever you mean by that :-)
19:32 UTC : Eilorux about organizing pages into "conceptual folders"?
19:33 UTC : terris2_ eilorux, sounds like my idea too .
19:33 UTC : mose sounds like a redundant topic
19:33 UTC : Eilorux That would be a dream vs. multi-wiki
19:33 UTC : terris2_ It would be nice to have separate namespaces in the wiki.
19:33 UTC : batatata some wikis do that
19:33 UTC : mose batatata was talking about it some hours ago
19:33 UTC : skullaria what is a wiki?
19:33 UTC : mose a cloud
19:33 UTC : terris2_ OK. I'll look in the logs.
19:34 UTC : terris2_ I have a huge wiki now and categories aren't working very well.
19:34 UTC : batatata they're different things though :-)
19:34 UTC : mose you can see direct logs there is a trick
19:34 UTC : terris2_ Tiki Wiki uses an interesting naming convention.
19:34 UTC : mose at irc.tikiwiki.org put --1000 in the input box
19:34 UTC : terris2_ but even tw.o ran into name issues and created doc.tw.o, or so that is my interpretation anyway.
19:35 UTC : terris2_ i have structures and categories to choose from, or making table of contents pages to find stuff in the cloud.
19:35 UTC : terris2_ sounds like a wiki page :-)
19:35 UTC : terris2_ thanks mose
19:35 UTC : Eilorux Terris2... like a help folder full of related help wiki pages.
19:35 UTC : mose (but first, find the input box ;)
19:35 UTC : mose (it's sortof hidden)
19:36 UTC : Eilorux Not sitting next to non-help collaborative pages
19:36 UTC : terris2_ wikis quickly die of heat death unless you know what you're doing
19:36 UTC : terris2_ you can create a wiki page that links to other wiki pages... it's kind of like a category on one page.


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