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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

History: WAIroadmap

Preview of version: 78

General Description
The goal is to allow Tiki sites to be accessed by each and every man, woman, and child using the necessary assistive technology. Such technology can include screen readers, mouth balls, touch sticks, or one of a miriad of other devices. To provide users of these assistive technology devices with equal access to information, Tikiwiki must present the necessary information in a specific manner. In doing so, Tikiwiki will automatically adapt the presentation of any given page to the limits and abilities of the user, and that user's user agent.

Ideally, this process should put as little burden as possible on Tikiwiki, theme developers, administrators, and users. It should also ideally be completely transparent to all, while being handled by & integrated into the core, while also preserving the environment & vision of Tikiwiki.

Achieving WAI-508 Compliance
Notice: This document is intended to serve as a Roadmap for what needs to be done for WAI-508 accessibility in Tikiwiki. It is not a how-to documentation. If you would like to help make Tikiwiki WAI-508 compliant, please contact musus for specifics.

Below is a step-by-step process for building the first of Tiki-Certified WAI-508 Compliant Themes. The theme will be called 508. If you would like to join the WAI-508 Team, checkout #tikiaccess on irc.freenode.net & get in on the action. All are welcome.


  1. Forms
    1. Make sure all fields are labeled (with or without label tag)
    2. Make sure all labels occur to the left of their assigned form field
    3. Add label tags & IDs (using a specific convention) to main template tree
    4. Modify name attribute for form fields to match ID attribute (some browsers don't yet support the ID attribute)
    5. Remove local styling
    6. Format input fields & buttons for height, background color, width, etc
  2. Hyperlinks
    1. Remove local styling
    2. Apply title attribute for all links (using a specific convention) to main template tree
    3. Remove "link" class (it is unnecessary & redundant as a default class)
    4. Remove hyperlinks from labels for form fields
  3. Tables
    1. Change table column headers from td tags to th tags (for data tables only)
    2. Remove local styling
    3. Move declarations for odd & even rows to the tr tag
    4. Modify all CSS documents to remove TD. selector
    5. Implement TBODY, THEAD, TFOOTER
  4. Develop Theme Manager for:
    1. Note: Brian, Damian & musus have begun this part
    2. Themes & Icon Themes:
      1. Customizing & Tweaking
      2. Building completely new themes (includes CSS, templates & icons)
      3. Managing alternate text for media, TITLE text for links, etc.
  5. Replace hardcoded images with Tikicon
  6. Ultimately eliminate dependence on JavaScript. In the meantime, add the NOSCRIPT element for every JS.

Who is doing what?

CSS and WAI expert: musus
CSS expert: beerlounge.de
PHP coding: btodoroff & damian
Wisdom: mose

  • 508 theme to be finished by 1.9rc1


Information Version
Damian Parker 83
Adam Shantz 82
Adam Shantz 81
Adam Shantz 80
Adam Shantz 79
Adam Shantz 78
Adam Shantz 77
Adam Shantz 76
Adam Shantz 75
Adam Shantz 74