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History: Webinars, cs

Preview of version: 3 (current)

Translation of this page is incomplete.


Tiki webináře se konají každý 3. čtvrtek v měsíci na adrese http://live.tiki.org. Setkání (v angličině) jsou otevřena pro všechny a z každého sezení je díky BigBlueButtonu pořízen záznam.


Vždy 3. čtvrtek v měsíci od 21.00 hodin (UTC).
The suggested time to hold the meeting is at or around 21h UTC because this is just about the only time that makes it reasonable for people from San Francisco (13:00 = 1:00 PM), to New York (16:00 = 4:00 PM), to Paris (22:00 = 10:00 PM) to Tokyo (6:00 = 6:00 AM).
Check your TimeZone


Obecná struktura měsíčního webináře

These are general guidelines, and we'll adapt according to feedback of participants. The webinars have quite diverse topics and they are intended to attract all interested community members, from new users to experienced developers.

Funkce v stabilní verzi (20 min)

This is to present new(ish) features that are available in the most recent stable version of Tiki, as of now: Tiki8. This is therefore suitable for a wide audience, not just developers who wish to attend.

Příklady užití Tiki v praxi (10 min)

This is for users or site administrators to present their Tiki sites. Of most interest will be how various powerful features of Tiki are combined and configured to create an application. Also interesting would be theme customizations or other feature customizations that enabled these sites, but just simple configuration or Profiles are interesting as well. Also suitable for a wide audience.

Diskuze vývojářů (30 min)

This is for developers to present and discuss latest work that could have been either committed to trunk, in an experimental branch, or even still only in planning phase. Although this webinar is targeted more at developers, everyone is welcome to listen in and learn. The format provides for a longer presentation and more question and answer time, and is likely to have more discussion.

  • Developer-focused discussion on how to improve code or development process
  • New things in trunk (for Tiki 9)
  • Coding style
  • Merging & branching
  • Schedule of releases
  • Desired architecture changes
  • Guest appearance by devs of libraries we use (ex.: Smarty, Zend Framework, etc.)
  • New developers that have some questions on how to get started: this is the time to ask experienced Tiki developers
  • etc.

Otevřený prostor pro diskuzi (30 min)

  • Round table: everyone introduces themselves and what they are working on / interest in
  • Improving things in the community
  • Jak tato funkce Tiki pracuje?
  • Pracuje někdo na XY?
  • Cokoli Vás napadne
  • atd.


  1. Preparation of the webinar
    • Presentations should be prepared in a format supported by BigBlueButton, such as PDF. Tiki9 offers export from S5 Slideshow to PDF.
    • Keep in mind that URLs can be shared via the BigBlueButton chatroom
    • Keep rellevant urls for the discussion topics handy, so that when the webinar starts and the discussion on the topic is in place, you can easily add rellevant resources to feed the discussion and base your arguments, etc.
    • Ideally, we want a different presenter each month.
  2. During of Webinar:
    • At the beginning: Since audio settings of each attendant's computer can be quite different and need fine tunning, it is been suggested that to say our names, nicks, and place of origin (something very short) with our mics. This way we would allow others to detect when someone needs to adjust the microphone (distance, volume, etc.).
    • After the presentations, there will generally be a question period.
    • To keep the flow of these webinars, the webinar's wiki page can be used for ongoing discussion after the webinar, and for difficult questions be thought about more deeply after the webinar rather than trying to cover every angle completely during the limited time of the meeting.
  3. After the webinar
    • The recording should be be added to the relevant feature page on doc.tiki.org or dev.tiki.org

Suggested topics

If you would like to present, please just volunteer by putting your name on the wiki page.
If you would like to suggest (but not present) a topic, please add below

  • 960 Grid System, in Tiki8

I have an idea

For feature requests and ideas on how to improve Tiki and/or BigBlueButton to be better tools for webinars: dev:Webinars
For ideas on how we are using existing features (suggest a change of topic or schedule, please do so here)



Information Version
Torsten Fabricius deleted aliases from translation as caused conflict with original 3
luciash d' being 🧙 2
luciash d' being 🧙 1