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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

History: wysiwyg

Preview of version: 9

General Description

What You See is What You Get.
There are 2 aspects to look at the wysiwyg.

  • the editor produces html formatted text
  • the editor produces wiki formatted text

In 1.10, wysiwyg editor (through fckeditor) is already installed, and you can choose at edition time if you want to produce html formatted text or wiki formatted text. See Wysiwyg Editor and related links.

Wysiwyg for Tiki version 1.9.x

The first one is what we have in tikiwiki for the blog (htmlarea editor)

In 1.9, it is pretty easy to install the fckeditor. You have to

  • download the fckeditor code in lib/fckeditor directory
  • you have to set in tiki_preferences 'feature_wysiwyg' to 'y' manually in the database
  • check the perm tiki_p_use_HTML under Admin Groups ... Permissions

and fckeditor will appear for html pages.

The second one is the one that every body wants. To be able to keep the wiki code to avoid security problem and dirty html.
A very good summary of the state of art at WYSIWYG_editor at wikipedia
For now (07/2006), it seems that the leader of html editors are tinymce and fckeditor. They both offer button customization / html filtering and both have some wiki converters.
One good example is moimoin, see the demo at moinmoin sandbox
Moinmoin is written in Python. There have still bugs mainly due to the copy/paste from outside dirty html.

Key Function and sub-features

Wysiwyg/html is currently available for blogs

Related Links


Typical Uses

Case Studies


Support Requests

A bounty can be certainly open for this feature



For more information



Information Version
Marc Laporte 10
Nelson Ko 9
Xavier de Pedro updated info for 1.10, and 1.9 (some users in forums were getting confused between 1.9 and 1.10...) 8
sylvie greverend 7
sylvie greverend 6
Marc Laporte 5
Marc Laporte 4

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