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BigBlueButton Dogfood

[luci - 04:43:35 PM] hola Xavi 😊
[Xavi - 04:43:45 PM] hi
[Xavi - 04:43:50 PM] are you presenting something?
[Xavi - 04:43:57 PM] and I lost your desktop
[luci - 04:44:05 PM] i just closed it
[luci - 04:44:13 PM] too slow for my mini laptop
[Xavi - 04:44:14 PM] moreover, my stream webcam is doing nothing
[Xavi - 04:44:34 PM] ok
[luci - 04:44:39 PM] i will give you presentator status
[Xavi - 04:44:49 PM] got it
[luci - 04:45:15 PM] now it says Xavi is currently presenting
[Xavi - 04:45:19 PM] streamcam not working either
[luci - 04:46:52 PM] i will try my webcam
[luci - 04:46:58 PM] i am in linux too
[Xavi - 04:47:27 PM] mmm, I saw an error while uploadig a pdf
[Xavi - 04:47:52 PM] it was not a ppt / odp presentation, but a brochiure on pdf
[Xavi - 04:47:59 PM] however, something is shown in the presentation module
[Xavi - 04:48:17 PM] yes, it works
[luci - 04:48:25 PM] yes it seems it must be pdf presentation
[luci - 04:48:31 PM] my webcam works
[luci - 04:48:37 PM] i just had to allow the flash
[Xavi - 04:48:40 PM] I cannot see it
[luci - 04:49:06 PM] maybe there's a bug in shiretoko about that ? i am in opera now, was with arora here yesterday and webcam worked too
[luci - 04:49:46 PM] you must double click my webcam icon in web participants list maybe
[Xavi - 04:49:59 PM] yep, you are right 😊
[Xavi - 04:50:13 PM] I see you now
[luci - 04:50:17 PM] 😊
[Xavi - 04:50:20 PM] but it doesn't recognize my camera
[luci - 04:50:28 PM] try with opera
[Xavi - 04:50:29 PM] are you talking?
[Xavi - 04:50:39 PM] mmmm, I don't hve opera installed....
[luci - 04:50:44 PM] or did you confirmed the flash access dialog ?
[Xavi - 04:50:50 PM] I'll try with epiphany and chome, first
[Xavi - 04:51:07 PM] I didn't see the flash access dialogue automaticaly
[Xavi - 04:51:17 PM] I had to maualy go to flah settings, and gran access
[luci - 04:51:26 PM] than it is the bug with firefox that it doesn't show it up
[Xavi - 04:51:32 PM] however, it said that my camera was not recognized by flash
[luci - 04:51:40 PM] ah
[luci - 04:51:45 PM] oups
[luci - 04:51:55 PM] are you in the mac machine or other ?
[Xavi - 04:52:02 PM] mac machine, using karmic
[luci - 04:52:08 PM] i see
[Xavi - 04:52:11 PM] yesterday it worked like acharm with ekiga and skype
[luci - 04:52:12 PM] presentation works
[Xavi - 04:52:22 PM] ok, I loggof and login again with other browsers
[luci - 04:52:25 PM] have you tried with ustream.tv yet ?
[luci - 04:52:31 PM] it uses the same as this i presume
[Xavi - 04:52:31 PM] no, not yet
[Xavi - 04:52:42 PM] see you in a few secs
[Pascal St-Jean - 10:54:15 AM] Hey everyone
[luci - 04:55:00 PM] hi pascal
[Pascal St-Jean - 10:54:42 AM] just thought I'd come see if there was anyone online
[Pascal St-Jean - 10:54:57 AM] I'll be heading out to TikiFest to great the others after lunch here
[Pascal St-Jean - 10:55:05 AM] We should be online around 3PM Eastern
[Xavi - 04:55:58 PM] luci, how do you delete a presenation file?
[luci - 04:56:00 PM] ok, it means 9PM CET 😊
[Pascal St-Jean - 10:55:45 AM] hum good question
[luci - 04:56:15 PM] no idea, Xavi
[Pascal St-Jean - 10:55:50 AM] you should just be able to close it
[luci - 04:56:21 PM] i haven't tried it yet
[Pascal St-Jean - 10:55:55 AM] one second I can ask Fred
[Pascal St-Jean - 10:56:33 AM] Fred Dixon will join us
[Pascal St-Jean - 10:56:40 AM] you can ask him a few questions about the system
[Pascal St-Jean - 10:56:47 AM] he's excited that we are using it for TIkiFest
[Xavi - 04:57:34 PM] hey, it worked (webcam) with epiphany
[Xavi - 04:57:43 PM] webcam is on
[Pascal St-Jean - 10:57:26 AM] Hi Fred
[luci - 04:57:59 PM] 😀
[Fred - 10:57:47 AM] Hi guys
[Xavi - 04:58:06 PM] hi Fred
[luci - 04:58:23 PM] hey guys, i can see you 😊
[Xavi - 04:58:42 PM] so can I 😊
[Pascal St-Jean - 10:58:16 AM] if you guys have speakers on Fred can give a quick presentation on the system
[luci - 04:58:47 PM] lets try the voice now
[Pascal St-Jean - 10:58:22 AM] how to give poeple presentor rights
[Pascal St-Jean - 10:58:27 AM] and how to setup Screen Sharing
[Xavi - 04:58:58 PM] ok
[luci - 04:59:03 PM] cool
[Pascal St-Jean - 10:58:41 AM] I'll let you take it away Fred
[Xavi - 04:59:11 PM] and how to delete files uploaded to the presentation
[Pascal St-Jean - 10:58:54 AM] I'll be able to train the others here in Toronto when I see them
[Fred - 10:59:12 AM] sure thing
[Pascal St-Jean - 10:59:00 AM] thx
[Fred - 10:59:29 AM] Do you guys want to join the voice conference?
[Pascal St-Jean - 10:59:21 AM] sure I'll join
[Xavi - 04:59:58 PM] ok, how do we dothat?
[Pascal St-Jean - 10:59:29 AM] if you click on the Headset button
[Pascal St-Jean - 10:59:31 AM] on top
[Fred - 10:59:47 AM] right
[Pascal St-Jean - 10:59:36 AM] beside the webcome
[Pascal St-Jean - 10:59:42 AM] it will activate VOIP
[Xavi - 05:00:26 PM] ah, ok
[Fred - 11:00:29 AM] Xavi ... can you hear me?
[Xavi - 05:00:53 PM] ah, sure, I can 😊
[Xavi - 05:01:00 PM] I'll get my headphone
[Xavi - 05:01:07 PM] i'm on the living room with my wife :-9
[Fred - 11:00:54 AM] Luci ... can you join the voice conference?
[Xavi - 05:01:13 PM] and she¡'s sleeping
[Fred - 11:02:08 AM] I can see the headphones
[Xavi - 05:02:37 PM] 😊
[Xavi - 05:04:48 PM] ok, go ahead
[Xavi - 05:04:51 PM] yes, it is
[Xavi - 05:05:08 PM] there is soe echo
[Xavi - 05:05:33 PM] yes, I thought so
[Fred - 11:05:19 AM] is the any better
[Xavi - 05:05:35 PM] yes much better
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:05:10 AM] I'm muted
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:05:23 AM] hey luci
[Fred - 11:05:39 AM] Luci — please join the voice conference
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:05:31 AM] if you join voice conference Fred is giving us a tour
[Xavi - 05:06:08 PM] Fred, one comment:
[Xavi - 05:06:19 PM] the tooltip for the headphone icon is not intuitive
[Fred - 11:06:05 AM] sure
[Xavi - 05:06:27 PM] it says start my mic
[Xavi - 05:06:31 PM] not join the audio conference
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:06:05 AM] luci is in
[Fred - 11:06:21 AM] yes ... good point
[Xavi - 05:06:40 PM] ok
[Xavi - 05:07:02 PM] luci, I can't hear
[Xavi - 05:07:06 PM] are you speaking?
[Fred - 11:06:55 AM] yes
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:06:44 AM] i should be muted
[Xavi - 05:07:20 PM] mmmmm
[Xavi - 05:07:26 PM] I can't hear anybody now
[Fred - 11:07:24 AM] Xavi, I'm going to try kicking you out of the voice conference
[Fred - 11:07:27 AM] then you can re-join
[Xavi - 05:07:45 PM] ok
[Xavi - 05:08:05 PM] yes, it worked
[Xavi - 05:08:07 PM] yes
[Fred - 11:10:03 AM] Just reconnect Xavi
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:10:34 AM] we'll its all about pushing it this week )
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:10:56 AM] I don't see him on Skype either
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:10:59 AM] maybe internet drop
[luci - 05:11:48 PM] wb Xavi
[Fred - 11:12:07 AM] can you hear?
[luci - 05:12:30 PM] i can
[luci - 05:12:36 PM] no idea about Xavi
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:12:11 AM] ok hey Luci can you share your screen
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:12:17 AM] 3rd button on top
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:12:34 AM] sure lets give it a go 😊
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:12:55 AM] sure I see it great
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:13:08 AM] 😂
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:13:19 AM] actually see it better due to the smaller resolution
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:13:47 AM] I tried setting it up on my Ubuntu install yesterday
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:13:51 AM] wasn't able to get it going
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:14:01 AM] maybe I didn't have the proper flash plugin
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:14:29 AM] ok
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:15:02 AM] I'll reach him on IRC
[luci - 05:15:39 PM] he is at home i guess
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:15:42 AM] Hey Xavi
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:15:48 AM] Fred suggested to restart your Browser
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:15:53 AM] Hey Gary
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:15:57 AM] Fred Gary is from Japan
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:16:06 AM] Gary if you have a headset
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:16:12 AM] you can join the VOIP
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:16:16 AM] we are all chatting away here
[Gary Cunningham-Lee - 01:16:49 AM] Hi guys
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:16:26 AM] click the Headset icon on the top
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:17:15 AM] Hey Gary
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:18:08 AM] Hey Fred, Xavi said he restarted his Browser 4 times
[Gary Cunningham-Lee - 01:18:49 AM] I can't hear anything. What do I need to do?
[luci - 05:19:13 PM] i have muted you
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:18:43 AM] somebody say something for Gary
[Fred - 11:18:59 AM] Hmmm...
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:18:54 AM] Gary is muted right now
[Fred - 11:19:15 AM] Gary, can you us
[luci - 05:19:30 PM] we heard you gary
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:19:28 AM] Great 😊
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:23:14 AM] Xavi is rebooting his computer
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:23:23 AM] he said his Flash on Ubuntu is sometimes unstable
[Fred - 11:23:45 AM] might be
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:23:31 AM] I was getting something similar yesterday on my Ubuntu install\
[Fred - 11:24:10 AM] hmm .... good to know
[luci - 05:24:30 PM] i just got an idea: could we have the same "Click to raise hand" in the voice participants list too ? so if someone wants to start talking he can mark himself to avoid "jumping-in-the-middle-of-discussion"
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:24:55 AM] That's a good idea Luci
[Marc Laporte - 11:25:21 AM] polom
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:24:58 AM] Hey Marc
[luci - 05:25:32 PM] yo marc
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:25:03 AM] join the VOIP
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:25:12 AM] click on the headset on top
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:25:15 AM] beside the website
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:25:17 AM] Hey Marc
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:25:25 AM] hum
[Marc Laporte - 11:25:50 AM] I hear you
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:25:28 AM] ok great
[Marc Laporte - 11:25:56 AM] but I doubt you hear me
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:25:39 AM] we don't hear you
[luci - 05:26:13 PM] we hear just some noise
[Marc Laporte - 11:26:11 AM] My Windows install is messed up
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:25:50 AM] Luci had a good idea
[Marc Laporte - 11:26:21 AM] just keep me muted
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:26:02 AM] about having a Raised Hand
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:26:18 AM] to try to get access to the presentation
[Marc Laporte - 11:26:48 AM] China always have more people
[Marc Laporte - 11:26:50 AM] 😊
[Fred - 11:26:43 AM] 😊
[luci - 05:27:01 PM] 😀
[Marc Laporte - 11:27:02 AM] I hear echo echo ... echo ... echo ...
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:26:49 AM] Hey Fred
[luci - 05:27:29 PM] echo is from gary
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:26:59 AM] is there a way to have a Deep Zoom on the Presentation
[Marc Laporte - 11:27:47 AM] yay Japan!
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:27:41 AM] noooooooo
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:27:44 AM] lol
[luci - 05:28:17 PM] 😀
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:27:49 AM] ok I'll shut off my webcam
[Xavi - 05:29:25 PM] hello again
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:28:56 AM] Xavi is in twice ?
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:29:01 AM] hello Xavi
[luci - 05:29:37 PM] wb Xavi
[Xavi - 05:29:39 PM] finaly! I?m in again
[Fred - 11:29:25 AM] He wants to be double-sure he is connected 😊
[Marc Laporte - 11:29:38 AM] Pascal: are you set-up to broadcast?
[Xavi - 05:29:44 PM] 😊
[Xavi - 05:29:58 PM] damn flash player 10.0 on linux
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:29:34 AM] broadcast?
[Marc Laporte - 11:30:00 AM] like a webcam and dedicated computer, somewhere up on the wall
[Marc Laporte - 11:30:05 AM] LGPL!! (yay)
[Xavi - 05:30:16 PM] 😊
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:29:58 AM] oh we can get Nelson's webcame
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:30:01 AM] webcam
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:30:06 AM] he has a standalone cam
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:30:13 AM] we can plug it to my laptop
[luci - 05:30:48 PM] this is great OpenSource application actually
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:30:19 AM] I have plenty of Ram
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:30:36 AM] I'll text Nelson to remind him
[Fred - 11:31:00 AM] http://code.google.com/p/bigbluebutton/wiki/BigBlueButtonVM
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:30:48 AM] Fred
[Marc Laporte - 11:31:13 AM] BBB is all-in-one, like Tiki 😊
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:30:55 AM] you should show how to have private Chats
[luci - 05:31:32 PM] Gary: maybe if you could use headphones
[luci - 05:31:39 PM] to avoid echo
[Gary Cunningham-Lee - 01:31:55 AM] I'm using headphones already. Maybe too close to mic ?
[Marc Laporte - 11:31:52 AM] log to wiki pages!
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:31:32 AM] exactly
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:31:37 AM] that would be the next step 😊
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:31:45 AM] get chat and playback into WikiPage
[luci - 05:32:26 PM] Gary: ah, ok, weird then 😊
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:32:02 AM] Lets get BigBlueTiki
[Marc Laporte - 11:32:30 AM] I don't see how to private chat
[Xavi - 05:32:38 PM] 😊
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:32:16 AM] beside the Send button
[Xavi - 05:32:46 PM] and here is video stored? (if stored)
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:32:19 AM] ther eis a Drop Down
[luci - 05:32:50 PM] marc: click the dropdown
[Fred - 11:32:37 AM] nothing is stored yet
[Marc Laporte - 11:32:47 AM] so we can do back store deals
[Xavi - 05:32:52 PM] s/here/where
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:32:25 AM] you can select a person
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:32:28 AM] and start private chat
[Marc Laporte - 11:32:53 AM] and we can gang up on someone
[Fred - 11:32:54 AM] the record and playback should be available (in first itteration) in early 2010
[Marc Laporte - 11:33:05 AM] let's all jump on xavi!
[Xavi - 05:33:17 PM] 😊
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:32:48 AM] lol
[Marc Laporte - 11:33:22 AM] why does it ding sometimes?
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:33:31 AM] it dings to let youknow someone has joined
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:34:05 AM] I guess he wanted to make a ding
[Marc Laporte - 11:34:42 AM] famous last words: what is this red button?
[Fred - 11:34:43 AM] 😊
[Marc Laporte - 11:35:20 AM] oups
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:35:01 AM] trying to mute marc
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:35:03 AM] sorry
[luci - 05:35:38 PM] 😊
[Marc Laporte - 11:35:32 AM] /me likes buttons, a little too much
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:35:08 AM] ah ok
[Marc Laporte - 11:35:39 AM] hahahahahhaha
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:35:15 AM] 😂
[luci - 05:35:46 PM] heheh, right
[Marc Laporte - 11:35:49 AM] we are good dogfooders
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:35:33 AM] sure this is great
[Marc Laporte - 11:35:59 AM] 7 years of bugfixing 😊
[Xavi - 05:36:36 PM] sorry if already answered. How did you remove the former presenttion?
[Xavi - 05:36:47 PM] I didn't see how to remove it
[Marc Laporte - 11:36:55 AM] why doesn't right click let me do stuff?
[Xavi - 05:37:09 PM] +1 MArc
[Xavi - 05:37:18 PM] I tried that
[Marc Laporte - 11:37:16 AM] I mean, related to the object I am right-clicking
[Xavi - 05:37:22 PM] 😊
[luci - 05:37:29 PM] because it's flash 😕
[Xavi - 05:37:30 PM] but flash app
[luci - 05:38:50 PM] well, it can be coded of course
[Marc Laporte - 11:38:47 AM] the sound is quite reliable
[Xavi - 05:39:00 PM] yes
[Marc Laporte - 11:39:29 AM] if everyone has headsets (to avoid echo), It should be as good as Gizmo
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:40:25 AM] agreed
[Xavi - 05:41:57 PM] luci, where was the button the share desktop?
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:41:38 AM] you need to make yourself presenter
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:41:42 AM] so click on your name
[Xavi - 05:42:13 PM] just to find out whether I see it now
[Xavi - 05:42:15 PM] ah, ok
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:41:54 AM] ok then 3rd button apears on top
[Xavi - 05:42:30 PM] ok
[luci - 05:42:38 PM] the share desktop refreshing isn't much fast
[Xavi - 05:42:59 PM] mmm, I raised my hand with the button. How did you notice that?
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:42:31 AM] I have my headset now
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:42:35 AM] you can unmute me
[luci - 05:43:17 PM] i see the hand icon Xavi
[Xavi - 05:43:18 PM] just as me? seing the hand icon on the participant?
[Xavi - 05:43:30 PM] ah, ok
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:43:12 AM] I'm trying to speak 😊
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:43:16 AM] did you see the mic move
[Xavi - 05:43:54 PM] ?
[luci - 05:43:55 PM] PAscal: nope 😛
[Xavi - 05:44:06 PM] ok, trying
[Xavi - 05:44:09 PM] to share desktop
[Xavi - 05:44:38 PM] so, not working on firefox
[Xavi - 05:44:44 PM] nobody see my desk, don't you?
[Fred - 11:44:31 AM] do you java java installed?
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:44:19 AM] I'm on Firefox
[Xavi - 05:44:54 PM] java, yes
[Marc Laporte - 11:44:56 AM] I just tested on WinXP that didn't have Flash. BBB says it will offer to install Flash, but it doesn't work
[Fred - 11:45:02 AM] http://java.sun.com/applets/jdk/1.4/demo/applets/ArcTest/example1.html
[luci - 05:45:18 PM] there is bug in Firefox about confirmation dialogs from flash iirc
[Fred - 11:45:09 AM] Xavi, can you try that link
[Xavi - 05:45:25 PM] yesterday I was using yugu, which is 100% java based
[luci - 05:45:28 PM] i am using Opera now here
[Marc Laporte - 11:45:50 AM] Most people already have Flash, so no biggie. I suggest just better error message.
[luci - 05:46:02 PM] Xavi: i don't see your desktop
[Xavi - 05:46:14 PM] ok, I'll try to reinstall the java applet thing on firefox
[luci - 05:46:26 PM] yuuguu 😊
[Xavi - 05:46:28 PM] and I will try with other browser...
[Xavi - 05:46:30 PM] 😊
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:47:03 AM] http://tiki.org/BigBlueButton+Dogfood&bl=n
[luci - 05:48:01 PM] Q: we can kick someone from voice chat, can't we from chat or web participants ?
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:48:11 AM] I think so
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:49:01 AM] Fred you still there?
[Xavi - 05:50:44 PM] I installed java applet (icetea etc). Restarting browser
[Xavi - 05:50:49 PM] back in a few secs
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:50:29 AM] sure sounds good Xavi
[luci - 05:51:33 PM] your sceen seems corrupted to me
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:51:06 AM] same here
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:51:10 AM] I see a black window
[luci - 05:53:06 PM] how can i stop my microphone so no moderator can unmute me ?
[Gary Cunningham-Lee - 01:53:16 AM] chat is working again
[luci - 05:53:23 PM] kick myself from voice participants ?
[Fred - 11:53:37 AM] yes ...
[Gary Cunningham-Lee - 01:53:57 AM] chat input stops when in fullscreen mode
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:55:01 AM] ok so there is currently a bug when trying to quick Voice Conference
[luci - 05:55:32 PM] brb
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:55:26 AM] so if you want to leave voice conference. Just logout
[luci - 05:56:17 PM] but if i wanna stay and only hear the talks ?
[Marc Laporte - 11:56:11 AM] hey!!!
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:55:52 AM] your computer is Buzzing 😂
[Marc Laporte - 11:56:18 AM] discrimation!
[Marc Laporte - 11:56:23 AM] 😊
[Marc Laporte - 11:56:32 AM] I am muzzled!
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:56:11 AM] 😊
[Marc Laporte - 11:56:39 AM] where is free speech!
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:56:21 AM] 😂
[Marc Laporte - 11:56:47 AM] voices in my head
[Marc Laporte - 11:56:53 AM] they need to come out!
[Gary Cunningham-Lee - 01:57:14 AM] sorry, marc, only non-buzzers allowed here
[Gary Cunningham-Lee - 01:57:26 AM] 😊
[Marc Laporte - 11:57:23 AM] /me officially reserves the blue color
[luci - 05:57:47 PM] hah
[Marc Laporte - 11:57:53 AM] wait
[luci - 05:58:00 PM] we need irc nick style highlighting 😉
[Xavi - 05:58:00 PM] back
[luci - 05:58:07 PM] or irc bridge even 😉
[Fred - 11:57:58 AM] I'm going to head out
[Marc Laporte - 11:58:12 AM] Fred: is there a way for us to make your computer beep?
[Fred - 11:58:04 AM] nice to meet everyone
[Gary Cunningham-Lee - 01:58:29 AM] thanks, Fred
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:58:00 AM] Thanks everynoe
[Xavi - 05:58:34 PM] nice to meet you, FReed and thanks for help
[Fred - 11:58:22 AM] you can add me to msn frederick_dixon at hotmail.com
[Fred - 11:58:24 AM] or skype as ffdixon
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:58:09 AM] we'll be using this to Broadcast
[luci - 05:58:41 PM] thank you fred
[Xavi - 05:58:43 PM] s/freed/Fred -)
[luci - 05:58:50 PM] it was great demo
[Marc Laporte - 11:58:48 AM] hehe, ok, one day, I hope we don't need MSN
[Fred - 11:58:45 AM] $1,s/great/awesome/g 😊
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:58:36 AM] I'll copy out Chat before I leave
[Pascal St-Jean - 11:58:46 AM] save it in WikiPAge
[Xavi - 08:34:37 PM] yes, I see your desktop
[luci - 08:35:15 PM] it doesn't show my laptop lowers screen fully though
[Xavi - 08:35:23 PM] yes, you are right
[Xavi - 08:35:25 PM] voice'
[luci - 08:35:30 PM] only the top part of the window frame i have there
[Xavi - 08:35:30 PM] ?
[Xavi - 08:35:35 PM] yes
[luci - 08:35:38 PM] i will try
[Xavi - 08:35:37 PM] voice?
[luci - 08:37:03 PM] no confirmation dialog for the flash to allow my mic due to the bug in FF3.5 it seems
[Xavi - 08:47:25 PM] ok, it works now for you
[Xavi - 08:47:29 PM] both screens
[luci - 08:47:34 PM] yep
[Pascal St-Jean - 02:58:47 PM] hey Luci
[Pascal St-Jean - 02:58:52 PM] so I'm here waiting for the others
[Pascal St-Jean - 02:59:02 PM] but looks like TikiFest is on its way 😊
[luci - 09:02:11 PM] hey pascal
[luci - 09:03:37 PM] you have ca-certificates-java installed ?
[luci - 09:03:41 PM] Xavi
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:03:22 PM] hum don't know
[luci - 09:04:04 PM] wann see what i have here ? otherwise i have to go
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:03:31 PM] I'm running on Vista right now
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:03:35 PM] I have ubuntu virtualized
[luci - 09:04:17 PM] pascal: cool
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:03:48 PM] tried to get BBB running on it yesterday but not able
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:04:13 PM] you guys having issues?
[Xavi - 09:05:46 PM] luci, no idea about those certificates
[luci - 09:05:48 PM] me not, Xavi yes
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:05:31 PM] only with voice
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:05:36 PM] or in general?
[luci - 09:06:12 PM] Xavi: have a look
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:06:01 PM] can you guys dial into a toll free 1800 using Skype
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:06:09 PM] becuase this is also an option
[Xavi - 09:06:53 PM] pascal, no idea
[Xavi - 09:07:08 PM] luci, thanks, searching for that in my local
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:06:49 PM] lets try it
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:06:53 PM] one sec
[Xavi - 09:07:33 PM] however, kazehakase works fie, so I guess that the problem is not on java itself, but on java+shiretoko (plugin)
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:07:10 PM] # Call local Ottawa Number - 613-366-1985# Call local Toronto Number - 647-367-2991# Call Toll-Free Number - 866-964-7085
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:07:16 PM] these are the phoen options
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:07:21 PM] I don't know if you have Skype out?
[luci - 09:08:30 PM] Xavi: oh yep, or maybe some conflict of libs which doesn't affect Kazekhase gecko
[Filipus Klutiero - 03:08:45 PM] hi pascal
[Xavi - 09:08:45 PM] yes, maybe.
[Filipus Klutiero - 03:08:50 PM] I don't know Skype
[Xavi - 09:08:49 PM] hi chealer
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:08:23 PM] Hi Chealer
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:08:33 PM] I'm here at Imperial Pub whenever you wish to head over
[Xavi - 09:09:10 PM] luci, I have those certificates installed (evennewer)
[Filipus Klutiero - 03:09:24 PM] pascal: so you're sawying you're at the imperial pub?
[luci - 09:09:26 PM] Pascal: we don't have problem with voice here
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:08:54 PM] yes
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:09:00 PM] ok good
[Filipus Klutiero - 03:09:35 PM] nvm
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:09:09 PM] I don't have issues with voice either
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:09:12 PM] ok that's good
[luci - 09:09:55 PM] chealer is mistakenly late 😉
[Filipus Klutiero - 03:10:03 PM] pascal: I noticed at 3:01 that the fest started at 3:00
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:09:31 PM] I'm on the 2nd floor in the back corner 😊
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:09:39 PM] lol no problem
[Filipus Klutiero - 03:10:14 PM] I'm in Mike's building
[Filipus Klutiero - 03:10:17 PM] hehe 😊
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:09:43 PM] I was here earlier in case
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:09:49 PM] Nelson will join us later
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:10:02 PM] and Marc not sure if he's heading back tonight or tomorrow morning
[Filipus Klutiero - 03:10:37 PM] ok
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:10:14 PM] anyways I have my TikiWiki t-shirt on 😊
[Filipus Klutiero - 03:10:52 PM] he'll be here tonight
[luci - 09:10:56 PM] ok Xavi, if that's all i will end my screen sharing
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:10:25 PM] I'll turn on my webcame to you can see me
[Filipus Klutiero - 03:11:05 PM] here: Mike's building
[luci - 09:11:31 PM] huh ? who added me to the voice participants ?
[Xavi - 09:11:31 PM] hi pascal, we can see and listen
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:11:01 PM] Hey guys I joined voice conference but muted myslef
[Xavi - 09:11:35 PM] 😊
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:11:10 PM] because there is music in the background
[Xavi - 09:11:48 PM] ok
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:11:18 PM] but I can hear you guys
[luci - 09:12:06 PM] HUH ?
[Xavi - 09:12:10 PM] I can't here any body
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:11:38 PM] I'm not speaking right now
[luci - 09:12:15 PM] who and how added me ?
[Xavi - 09:12:19 PM] is anybody speaking?
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:11:54 PM] Hey Chealer, if you double click on the Webcam icon beside my name
[Filipus Klutiero - 03:12:32 PM] apparently noise but I'm hearing noise
[Filipus Klutiero - 03:12:45 PM] oh, yes, I see you
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:12:14 PM] great
[Filipus Klutiero - 03:13:05 PM] apparently not but I'm hearing noise
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:12:32 PM] I can't hear anyone talking but the system doesn't show anyone
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:12:36 PM] I'm unmute for a second
[Xavi - 09:13:22 PM] yes, I can hear you
[Filipus Klutiero - 03:13:27 PM] I hear Pascal
[luci - 09:13:28 PM] somebody is talking 😊
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:12:56 PM] Great
[luci - 09:13:39 PM] but WTH i was added ?
[Filipus Klutiero - 03:13:48 PM] pascal is showing pretty ugly
[Filipus Klutiero - 03:13:58 PM] let's hope it's just the low quality 😉
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:13:27 PM] maybe this public WiFi is not that great
[luci - 09:14:01 PM] i am pretty sure i didn't do that myself 😛
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:13:39 PM] yes because I've seen high quality
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:14:13 PM] Nelson will be brining a WebCam
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:14:17 PM] so that we can broadcast
[Filipus Klutiero - 03:15:01 PM] aha, I see the Tiki t-shirt in larger view
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:14:35 PM] 😊
[luci - 09:15:11 PM] nice t-shirt pascal 😉
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:14:42 PM] thanks 😊
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:14:59 PM] ok I'll turn off webcam to save on bandwidth
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:15:26 PM] I'll start hitting of some work on Profiles
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:15:40 PM] did you guys ever test out a Fresh intall of Tiki 4?
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:15:48 PM] I was still getting an error when installing Tiki 4
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:15:54 PM] my Database is not currupted
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:16:05 PM] I will run again and do a screen share
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:16:12 PM] maybe you guys will see what is the cause
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:16:17 PM] give me a few minutes
[Filipus Klutiero - 03:17:09 PM] pascal: well, Tiki 4 doesn't exist yet, but I did new installs a few weeks ago 😊
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:16:54 PM] sorry
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:16:58 PM] Trunk
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:17:01 PM] lol 😊
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:17:04 PM] I call it tiki 4
[luci - 09:17:55 PM] np
[Filipus Klutiero - 03:18:02 PM] yeah 😊
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:19:28 PM] hey Chealer I actually see you in decent quality on the webcam
[Filipus Klutiero - 03:20:33 PM] good. yeah, my quality as seen from here is better than yours
[Xavi - 09:20:41 PM] ok, walking dog time.
[Xavi - 09:20:43 PM] bbl
[Filipus Klutiero - 03:22:07 PM] I guess I'm getting familiar with the software
[Filipus Klutiero - 03:22:36 PM] pascal: aren't you on IRC?
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:22:27 PM] yes I'll login
[luci - 09:26:02 PM] i wonder why this chat is not enabled in this BBB fullscreen mode
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:27:42 PM] don't know
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:27:50 PM] they are still trying to iron out many bugs
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:28:00 PM] they haven't release official V1.0 yet
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:28:13 PM] this is why they are excited for our feedback
[luci - 09:28:49 PM] i see
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:28:23 PM] but I still felt this is a better way to Broadcast then UStream or Skkype
[luci - 09:29:13 PM] i wondered i never heard about this soft before
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:28:47 PM] 😊
[luci - 09:29:21 PM] sure
[luci - 09:29:43 PM] recording option as with ustreab would e nice though
[luci - 09:29:48 PM] ustream
[luci - 09:32:00 PM] strange, i tried the mic option, dialog to allow/deny appears but even i do not allow or deny i am already appearing in the voice participants
[luci - 09:32:13 PM] and even when i denied i stay there
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:31:52 PM] hey guys
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:31:59 PM] I'm going to share my screen to show the error
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:32:41 PM] SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Invalid argument
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:32:45 PM] Fresh database
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:32:57 PM] even if I repair it. Same thing happens
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:33:03 PM] can't get Trunk up and runnig
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:33:09 PM] but Tiki 3.3 not problem
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:33:15 PM] or any branch for that matter
[luci - 09:33:57 PM] i think it is windows related, never saw that one
[luci - 09:34:13 PM] or is it linux ?
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:33:52 PM] no running on Ubuntu
[luci - 09:34:47 PM] fresh install on fresh db ?
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:34:20 PM] same thing happens on my online hosting account
[luci - 09:35:02 PM] mysql classic or mysqli ?
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:34:47 PM] hum I'm running a distribution of XAMPP for Linux
[luci - 09:35:37 PM] can you check in db/local.php ?
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:38:26 PM] others just arrived
[luci - 09:40:45 PM] you have to open it as a file
[luci - 09:40:51 PM] not in browser 😉
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:40:18 PM] yes
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:41:42 PM] $db_tiki='mysqli';
[luci - 09:42:16 PM] okay
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:41:57 PM] I guess I still have screen sharing
[luci - 09:42:33 PM] that is the same as here
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:42:04 PM] ok
[luci - 09:42:41 PM] yes, you guess right 😊
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:42:14 PM] 😊
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:42:40 PM] ok well I'll intall branch
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:42:44 PM] then upgrade the database
[luci - 09:43:21 PM] googled that error what it means ?
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:42:51 PM] see if that works
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:42:57 PM] ok
[Xavi - 09:43:37 PM] back
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:43:05 PM] I would like to get testing Trunk wiht Profiles
[luci - 09:43:46 PM] wb xavi
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:43:19 PM] ok I'll turn off Sharing
[luci - 09:43:57 PM] have you got a nice walk ?
[luci - 09:44:03 PM] sure
[luci - 09:44:06 PM] Pascal
[Xavi - 09:44:09 PM] 😊 yes, and so did our dog
[luci - 09:44:44 PM] /me is green
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:45:50 PM] CR_CONNECTION_ERROR
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:45:56 PM] so looks like its a can't connect error
[luci - 09:46:31 PM] oh, now it even doesn't ask me to allow mic
[luci - 09:47:23 PM] Pascal: hmm, so are you running mysql on your localhost ?
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:46:56 PM] yes
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:46:58 PM] also online
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:47:01 PM] I've tried both
[Pascal St-Jean - 03:47:10 PM] get same error
[luci - 09:48:01 PM] weird, do you have php-pdo or adodb ?
[Xavi - 09:49:54 PM] testing....
[Xavi - 09:50:27 PM] yep, desktop sharing still works even with those udated packages, if using kazehakase
[luci - 09:56:51 PM] Xavi: if I am supposed to hear somethng from you in the voice chat, i don't
[luci - 09:57:32 PM] hi Nelson !
[Nelson - 03:58:34 PM] Hi
[Xavi - 09:59:14 PM] hi nelson
[Xavi - 09:59:58 PM] mmm
[luci - 10:00:19 PM] grmbl, who unmuted me agin ? 😛
[Xavi - 10:01:06 PM] it was me , sorry
[luci - 10:01:11 PM] but i guess you don't hear me typing, right ?
[Xavi - 10:01:21 PM] trying to make my voice hearable
[Xavi - 10:01:27 PM] nope, I don't hear anything from you
[luci - 10:01:40 PM] ok, i have muted my mic in my volume preferences
[luci - 10:01:48 PM] maybe it is your case too
[Xavi - 10:01:53 PM] ok, checking
[Xavi - 10:02:26 PM] oups, echo
[luci - 10:02:37 PM] heh, i heard nothing anyway
[luci - 10:03:00 PM] but headphones r good idea
[luci - 10:08:24 PM] it seems to record from my mic even when i have it muted 😕
[luci - 10:08:40 PM] only lowering the volume level helps
[luci - 10:09:43 PM] Xavi: well, muting the mic and capture works
[luci - 10:09:54 PM] i hear you
[luci - 10:10:11 PM] could you hear me ?
[Xavi - 10:10:33 PM] no
[Xavi - 10:10:36 PM] could ou hear me?
[Xavi - 10:11:00 PM] ok, muting my mic
[Xavi - 10:11:03 PM] dinner time here
[luci - 10:11:04 PM] yes
[luci - 10:11:16 PM] are you watching TV there ?
[Xavi - 10:11:30 PM] yes, a documentary
[luci - 10:11:39 PM] muting your mic is better choice than muting your voice in voice participants
[Xavi - 10:11:54 PM] ok
[Xavi - 10:11:56 PM] 😊
[luci - 10:12:05 PM] i mean mute it in your volume controls rather to prevent surprising results 😉
[Xavi - 10:12:24 PM] yes, yes, got the idea
[luci - 10:12:52 PM] good now i can't hear you even unmuted
[TikiFest Broadcast - 04:13:24 PM] Braodcasting Live From TikiFest Toronto
[TikiFest Broadcast - 04:13:42 PM] We can put sound but all you will hear is Starbucks music
[luci - 10:14:48 PM] oh ! such a big picture ! 😊
[TikiFest Broadcast - 04:14:41 PM] did you prefer we shrink it to 320?
[luci - 10:15:17 PM] i can even recognize the naked womans on the black and white wall pics 😉
[TikiFest Broadcast - 04:14:45 PM] 😂
[luci - 10:15:31 PM] 😀
[luci - 10:15:55 PM] well, almost 😉
[luci - 10:16:23 PM] if you shrink it down will it be smother ?
[Pascal St-Jean - 04:15:52 PM] ok will do
[TikiFest Broadcast - 04:16:10 PM] done
[luci - 10:16:55 PM] nice
[luci - 10:18:10 PM] oh, what happened to you guys ? power cut ?
[Nelson - 04:19:12 PM] wireless cut I think
[TikiFest Broadcast - 04:20:27 PM] y'a wireless is on and off here
[ricks99 - 04:35:47 PM] hi 😊
[TikiFest Broadcast - 04:35:31 PM] hey Ricks99
[TikiFest Broadcast - 04:35:43 PM] welcome to the web Conference
[ricks99 - 04:36:49 PM] don't see anything 😑
[luci - 10:38:02 PM] ricks99: hi, what is the problem ?
[ricks99 - 04:38:16 PM] the "presentatin" window is blank 😑
[TikiFest Broadcast - 04:39:34 PM] yes
[TikiFest Broadcast - 04:39:41 PM] you need to double click on the webcam icon
[TikiFest Broadcast - 04:39:46 PM] beside TikiFest Broadcast
[TikiFest Broadcast - 04:39:55 PM] there is no presentation
[ricks99 - 04:40:37 PM] ahh..
[ricks99 - 04:40:49 PM] got the webacam
[mose - 05:42:03 AM] salut
[TikiFest Broadcast - 04:41:35 PM] bonjour
[TikiFest Broadcast - 04:41:52 PM] to get stream please double click on webcam beside TikiFest Braodcast
[TikiFest Broadcast - 04:42:11 PM] we've muted our mic for now
[TikiFest Broadcast - 04:42:19 PM] since we are all working and there is music in the background here
[TikiFest Broadcast - 04:42:36 PM] but in the next days when we are in a more quite place we will be able to do a full video and voice broadcast
[ricks99 - 04:43:13 PM] brb
[luci - 10:44:02 PM] salut mose !
[mose - 05:44:28 AM] nice flash thingie
[luci - 10:44:46 PM] nice open source project 😊
[mose - 05:44:56 AM] I could find use for it I bet
[luci - 10:45:43 PM] it's a good start and the guys working on it were happy that we give some feedback
[mose - 05:46:26 AM] should I see some video ?
[mose - 05:46:44 AM] oh I see
[luci - 10:46:47 PM] yep, if you doubleclick the icon next to TikiFest
[mose - 05:47:06 AM] so if I put my webcam I stream too ?
[luci - 10:47:15 PM] yes, you can
[mose - 05:47:19 AM] nobody will see I wear no pants
[luci - 10:47:53 PM] icon will appear which one can doubleclick and see new window with your stream
[luci - 10:47:56 PM] 😊
[luci - 10:48:55 PM] but if u use shiretoko you need to workaround a bug going to adobe site and check "Always ask" on the flash privacy global prefs
[luci - 10:49:18 PM] it's bug in FF3.x with flash
[luci - 10:50:24 PM] i am here with Opera now but tested with Shiretoko some hour ago and it worked like that
[luci - 10:50:58 PM] just Google adobe flash settings if you are unsure where
[luci - 10:51:10 PM] bbl
[TikiFest Broadcast - 04:51:09 PM] BTW this instance of BigBlueButton has been setup for the Tiki Community. Not just TikiFest
[TikiFest Broadcast - 04:51:17 PM] you can use then at anytime after TikiFest
[mose - 05:52:04 AM] nice
[luci - 10:52:08 PM] cool
[luci - 10:52:21 PM] oh, didn't i say bbl ? 😉
[mose - 05:55:56 AM] here I broadcast
[Xavi - 10:56:07 PM] hi mose! salut
[mose - 05:56:12 AM] hey
[Xavi - 10:56:20 PM] nice to see you here in TW world
[Xavi - 10:56:22 PM] 😊
[mose - 05:56:36 AM] I never left I'm just a ghost
[Xavi - 10:56:47 PM] yes, I guessed so 😉
[Xavi - 10:57:00 PM] where is the ghost located right now?
[mose - 05:57:10 AM] in taipei, taiwan
[Xavi - 10:57:10 PM] in the physical world, I mean
[Xavi - 10:57:15 PM] ah, ok
[mose - 05:57:21 AM] still learning chinese
[Xavi - 10:57:25 PM] 😊
[mose - 05:57:31 AM] but I'm preparing to get back into business
[Xavi - 10:57:34 PM] and awake in early morning...
[mose - 05:58:01 AM] hm, yes 6am now
[luci - 10:58:05 PM] cool, nice to see mose "live" 😊
[Xavi - 10:58:25 PM] hey, nice no-pants in taiwan!
[luci - 10:59:58 PM] heheh
[luci - 11:00:06 PM] nice cat 😊
[mose - 06:00:15 AM] wanted to show him to marc
[mose - 06:00:21 AM] but he's not here
[luci - 11:00:22 PM] marc would like
[luci - 11:00:28 PM] but he will come later
[Xavi - 11:00:27 PM] 😊
[Xavi - 11:00:36 PM] what out, mose, it we show it to our dogs...
[Xavi - 11:00:43 PM] s/what/watch
[mose - 06:01:02 AM] he knows no dog
[mose - 06:01:09 AM] he would not be afraid
[Xavi - 11:01:23 PM] oh well, our dog would be afraid...
[mose - 06:01:29 AM] lol
[Xavi - 11:01:37 PM] 😊
[mose - 06:01:53 AM] this cat is name didi, which in chinese means little brother
[Xavi - 11:02:11 PM] nice
[Xavi - 11:02:20 PM] /me likes names with meaning
[mose - 06:02:30 AM] name always mean
[mose - 06:02:39 AM] even when not purposefully
[Xavi - 11:03:00 PM] yes, yes 😊 my name is the name of a Castle in north Spain
[Xavi - 11:03:50 PM] btw, how is free software in Taiwan? is it well spread culturally, or only from a minority of hackers?
[mose - 06:04:04 AM] just a minority
[mose - 06:04:12 AM] but an active and creative one
[Xavi - 11:04:17 PM] 😊
[mose - 06:04:25 AM] actually asian sphere is still in late about freedom
[mose - 06:04:32 AM] that's notmuch into their culture
[mose - 06:04:51 AM] that's why I know I have things to do here when my chinese will be really fluent
[Xavi - 11:04:57 PM] besides the red-linux distro in china, I guess
[luci - 11:05:00 PM] /me is not surprised, especially about china
[mose - 06:05:13 AM] they still have that stupid cult of the chief
[mose - 06:05:23 AM] if chief says, do that, they do that
[luci - 11:05:25 PM] i would say in India it's better
[luci - 11:05:29 PM] i guess
[mose - 06:05:35 AM] but free software comes from the mud
[Xavi - 11:05:35 PM] luci: yes.
[luci - 11:05:42 PM] (talking about Asia)
[mose - 06:05:43 AM] not from the bosses
[Xavi - 11:06:00 PM] did you all see the "Coder BRakers" documentary from BBC? (cc licensed)
[mose - 06:06:01 AM] except some still rare projects like lemo or redflag
[luci - 11:06:23 PM] iirc yes
[Xavi - 11:06:30 PM] s/brakers/breakers
[TikiFest Broadcast - 05:06:17 PM] np
[TikiFest Broadcast - 05:06:18 PM] no
[TikiFest Broadcast - 05:06:24 PM] I'll take a look at it
[luci - 11:08:06 PM] /me needs to google lemo
[mose - 06:08:41 AM] lemo is a free hardware computer, sortof
[mose - 06:08:56 AM] they are having great project based on that in vanezuela right now
[mose - 06:09:15 AM] venezuela is getting free software at state level quite seriously
[Xavi - 11:10:16 PM] mose, tell your cat to watch out our dog
[Xavi - 11:10:18 PM] see webcam
[luci - 11:11:02 PM] the dog doesn't look interested at all 😛
[Xavi - 11:11:15 PM] you are right , luci
[Xavi - 11:11:23 PM] he can't pretend to be dangerous
[Xavi - 11:11:29 PM] he's not...
[mose - 06:11:34 AM] hmm I don't see your stream
[Xavi - 11:11:56 PM] mose, did you click on the webcam icon on the right of my name in the web participant list?
[luci - 11:12:03 PM] i see it, doubleclicked the icon ?
[mose - 06:12:06 AM] yes yes
[luci - 11:12:15 PM] maybe it got off-screen ?
[mose - 06:12:19 AM] ah finaly
[luci - 11:12:24 PM] is your screen resolution big ?
[luci - 11:12:29 PM] ok
[luci - 11:12:43 PM] rofl
[luci - 11:12:53 PM] TikiFest becoming pet share channel 😉
[mose - 06:12:56 AM] lol
[TikiFest Broadcast - 05:12:22 PM] 😂
[luci - 11:13:09 PM] nice 😊
[Xavi - 11:13:31 PM] 😊
[luci - 11:13:42 PM] i could wake up Teiija maybe 😉
[mose - 06:13:52 AM] no need
[luci - 11:13:57 PM] no, i will let her peacefully sleep 😉
[Xavi - 11:14:05 PM] no need, poor animal
[mose - 06:15:05 AM] why does it says on the top I have the role moderator ?
[luci - 11:15:21 PM] everyone has for now
[luci - 11:15:31 PM] we are sort of testing collaboratively
[mose - 06:15:35 AM] I see
[mose - 06:16:21 AM] well, I know people that would love to test bbb
[Xavi - 11:16:41 PM] mose, did you ever try dimdim?
[mose - 06:16:56 AM] no
[Xavi - 11:17:01 PM] in order to know some objective comparison
[Xavi - 11:17:22 PM] ah, ok, iirc franck said he knew people on the dimdim crew
[Xavi - 11:17:52 PM] and I thought that in past years you might have used dimdim fro group meetings
[Xavi - 11:18:15 PM] anyway, this bbb (and lgpl'd) seems very nice
[mose - 06:18:35 AM] I definatly favor free code
[TikiFest Broadcast - 05:18:16 PM] Hey Fred
[TikiFest Broadcast - 05:18:27 PM] meet some other members of Tiki Community
[Fred - 05:19:08 PM] Hi ... just dropping in
[TikiFest Broadcast - 05:18:37 PM] guys, Fred is part of BigBlueButton
[mose - 06:19:33 AM] oh, greetings, and good job
[Xavi - 11:19:39 PM] hi FRed
[Fred - 05:19:39 PM] Nice to see the traffic
[TikiFest Broadcast - 05:19:34 PM] I think its been stable so far
[TikiFest Broadcast - 05:19:40 PM] I've bene on for a few hours now
[TikiFest Broadcast - 05:19:44 PM] I don't know about the others
[mose - 06:20:21 AM] I will dig more into that app to spread use
[Fred - 05:20:24 PM] nice
[TikiFest Broadcast - 05:19:55 PM] I haven't participated in Voice since there is music in the background
[mose - 06:20:34 AM] especialy as I'm remote far from home
[Fred - 05:22:26 PM] Looks like things are rocking ... I'll be around for the next few hours if anything comes up
[TikiFest Broadcast - 05:22:07 PM] Thanks again Fred, much appreciated
[mose - 06:27:28 AM] does it install fine on debian etch ?
[mose - 06:27:53 AM] I'm reading doc right now
[mose - 06:28:55 AM] hmm, using port makes it needs some tweaking I guess
[mose - 06:29:00 AM] port 80
[mose - 06:33:32 AM] hmm, I need to go, I have some chinese to do before class
[mose - 06:33:39 AM] seeya later guys
[Nelson - 05:34:02 PM] l8r
[Nelson - 05:45:14 PM] hi ricks99
[Xavi - 11:51:03 PM] ok, I came back (after gecko forzed) to say g'night
[Xavi - 11:51:17 PM] I'll do my best to follow the tikifest in the following days
[Xavi - 11:51:26 PM] keep up the god work on tiki4 😊
[Xavi - 11:51:27 PM] cheers
[Nelson - 05:51:30 PM] gnight
[luci - 12:13:32 AM] heya chealer found his way ! 😊
[luci - 12:17:28 AM] Nelson has clearer sound than TikiFest Broadcast 😉
[Dave Thacker - 05:20:12 PM] attempts to dial in
[luci - 12:20:58 AM] hey Dave
[luci - 12:21:09 AM] are you watching TV there guys ?
[Dave Thacker - 05:22:15 PM] I have audio on phone. no video
[luci - 12:21:54 AM] video is separate thing
[Dave Thacker - 05:22:55 PM] should I have video on browser?
[luci - 12:22:36 AM] only one voice stream please guys, Nelson's works better
[luci - 12:22:50 AM] you have to doubleclick the webcam icon
[luci - 12:22:57 AM] next to the user name
[luci - 12:23:01 AM] Status
[luci - 12:23:03 AM] column
[Dave Thacker - 05:23:59 PM] ah there they are
[luci - 12:23:48 AM] 😊
[luci - 12:25:42 AM] well, the quality of sounds got worse
[luci - 12:25:52 AM] voice audio i mean
[Dave Thacker - 05:27:39 PM] I lost audio
[luci - 12:27:33 AM] Dave: it was just muted
[Dave Thacker - 05:28:22 PM] ok
[luci - 12:37:35 AM] pascal, i think maybe chealer can help you to debug your post install db connection issue with trunk
[TikiFest Broadcast - 06:46:18 PM] ok I'll talk to him
[luci - 12:47:31 AM] guys, if you want to be sure nobody can hear you, you have to actually mute your mic in your Operating System
[luci - 12:47:44 AM] this mute is only temporary and moderators can switch it on
[luci - 12:47:56 AM] muty in voice participants
[luci - 12:48:00 AM] mute
[Marc Laporte - 06:49:43 PM] yo
[Marc Laporte - 06:50:24 PM] I see chaeler on TV!
[Marc Laporte - 06:50:38 PM] and Nelson!
[Nelson - 06:50:44 PM] you at the airport?
[Marc Laporte - 06:50:50 PM] yes
[Marc Laporte - 06:50:53 PM] arrived early
[Marc Laporte - 06:51:00 PM] was able to changed flights
[Marc Laporte - 06:51:04 PM] leaving at 19h05
[Marc Laporte - 06:51:16 PM] landing downtown.
[Marc Laporte - 06:51:27 PM] 20h05ish
[Marc Laporte - 06:51:38 PM] 20h30-20h45, I'll be with you guys
[luci - 12:53:42 AM] well, as long as you see the talking icon you are hearable when unmuted 😉
[luci - 12:53:52 AM] greetings Marc !
[TikiFest Broadcast - 07:07:17 PM] so Nelson found the solution
[TikiFest Broadcast - 07:07:41 PM] I had to enter
[TikiFest Broadcast - 07:07:45 PM] instead of Localhost
[TikiFest Broadcast - 07:07:52 PM] we think it may be because of the Virtual Machine
[TikiFest Broadcast - 07:08:01 PM] but the funny thing is that Branch works fine
[luci - 01:19:36 AM] ah, right, maybe Tiki 3 does the paths differently
[luci - 01:19:51 AM] localhost with lower L wouldn't help ?
[TikiFest Broadcast - 07:21:51 PM] sorry, typo. I don't use uppercase
[luci - 01:22:38 AM] ah, ok
[luci - 01:52:17 AM] interesting, suddenly Nelson became unmuted again
[luci - 01:52:23 AM] did you do it someone ?
[luci - 01:52:35 AM] or is this a bug that it happens itself sometimes ?
[luci - 01:53:43 AM] i want _that_ beer 😉
[luci - 01:54:20 AM] muting Nelson back again
[TikiFest Broadcast - 08:09:02 PM] you can take a virtual sip 😊
[TikiFest Broadcast - 08:09:22 PM] yes we noticed the unmute bug
[TikiFest Broadcast - 08:09:25 PM] we will document
[TikiFest Broadcast - 08:59:17 PM] Marc has arrived
[TikiFest Broadcast - 09:00:08 PM] everyone is now in Toronto
[TikiFest Broadcast - 09:22:00 PM] music is off
[TikiFest Broadcast - 09:22:06 PM] we are broadcasting
[TikiFest Broadcast - 09:45:05 PM] having a great conversation about CMS report
[TikiFest Broadcast - 09:45:08 PM] and where TikiWiki stands
[TikiFest Broadcast - 10:02:47 PM] can you hear marc
[TikiFest Broadcast - 11:20:23 PM] Hey Gary
[Gary Cunningham-Lee - 01:21:11 PM] hi guys
[TikiFest Broadcast - 11:20:29 PM] feel free to join the voice chat with us
[Gary Cunningham-Lee - 01:21:31 PM] I don't hear any sound yet, but can see with webcam
[TikiFest Broadcast - 11:21:04 PM] you need to join voice conference to hear voice
[TikiFest Broadcast - 11:21:08 PM] click on hte headset icon
[Gary Cunningham-Lee - 01:22:03 PM] heh, thanks.
[TikiFest Broadcast - 11:34:14 PM] Dave you can join us in the voice conference
[TikiFest Broadcast - 11:34:21 PM] just click on the headset icon on the top
[Gary Cunningham-Lee - 02:41:48 PM] thanks for panning the webcam 😊
[Gary Cunningham-Lee - 02:42:34 PM] oops, just lost audio
[Gary Cunningham-Lee - 02:44:11 PM] ...and video
[Gary Cunningham-Lee - 02:45:05 PM] video is back but no audio still, here.
[TikiFest Broadcast - 12:44:40 AM] can u say something
[TikiFest Broadcast - 12:44:47 AM] server might need to be restarted
[Gary Cunningham-Lee - 02:45:43 PM] no indication of talking on any voice participants
[TikiFest Broadcast - 12:45:04 AM] ok
[TikiFest Broadcast - 12:45:08 AM] I'll contact Fred
[TikiFest Broadcast - 12:45:18 AM] he told me about this
[TikiFest Broadcast - 12:45:24 AM] its been on for 24h
[TikiFest Broadcast - 12:45:32 AM] there is a memory leak for VOIP
[Gary Cunningham-Lee - 02:46:20 PM] ah
[TikiFest Broadcast - 12:46:27 AM] let me try something
[TikiFest Broadcast - 12:47:32 AM] y'a
[TikiFest Broadcast - 12:47:38 AM] I just called using phone
[TikiFest Broadcast - 12:47:41 AM] can you hear us
[Gary Cunningham-Lee - 02:50:18 PM] no
[Gary Cunningham-Lee - 02:50:56 PM] I see the "speaker on" icon for
[Gary Cunningham-Lee - 02:51:10 PM] Unknown Caller, but don't hear anything.
[TikiFest Broadcast - 12:51:39 AM] I e-mailed fred
[TikiFest Broadcast - 12:52:08 AM] looks like its going to need to be restarted
[TikiFest Broadcast - 12:52:12 AM] so we are going to head out

Page last modified on Friday 20 September 2019 17:42:55 GMT-0000