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Features / Usability

Global settings for mail alerts?

posts: 11 United States

I am running v 1.8

❓ Is there a global setting to toggle email alerts for messages?

To explain in more detail: There is a setting in Mytiki Prefs that says
"Send me an email for messages with priority equal or greater than"

With this turned on if someone gets a message on the site they will get an email letting them know that they have mail waiting.

Can I turn this on by default for all my existing members and for my new members signing up?

I see it in sql tiki data base under the table tiki_user_preferences the info that toggles it is the "user name", "minPrio", "1"

I lack the knowledge to merge table users_users login names with tiki_user_preferences and add the minprio 1 thing.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

posts: 1092

There is no global preference/feature for that
I put this on the list to be done for tiki 1.10

For the moment you can change in tiki-user_preferences.php
$minPrio = $tikilib->get_user_preference($userwatch, 'minPrio', 6);
$minPrio = $tikilib->get_user_preference($userwatch, 'minPrio', 1);

in lib/messu/mesulib.php
if ($this->get_user_preference($user, 'minPrio', 6) get_user_preference($user, 'minPrio', 1)

posts: 41 Germany

yepp, or I did it the hard way... log in with admin as the user and take the settings 😐

But it was okay only 30 users...

cu, Pete