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German (Deutsch, de)
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User Pete
has contributed to the following content…
Forum comments
- Aw: Re : Auto detect browser language?
- Aw: Hallo
- Aw: Deutsche tikiseite und Umlaute
- Aw: Re : Auto detect browser language?
- WikiPages Multilanguage automatically jump to the userlanguage translation set
- Aw: Re: Auto detect browser language?
- Aw: Re; again
- Auto detect browser language?
- Aw: Tiki won't use my modified language file (1.9rc3).
- Aw: Newsletters archive
- Aw: Re: Aw: Re : rc2 to rc3, database changes?
- Aw: Re : rc2 to rc3, database changes?
- rc2 to rc3, database changes?
- Maybe...
- Aw: PDF
- Aw: Obscured Headlines
- Aw: Admin not working
- Aw: group homepages & 1.7.8
- Aw: Re : IT WORKS!
- Aw: Re : Aw: Re : Newsletter welcome mails untranslated
- Aw: Re : Newsletter welcome mails untranslated
- Newsletter welcome mails untranslated
- Aw: Global settings for mail alerts?
- Aw: 1.8.4 Issues with Zipped Image Upload Size + Forums
- Aw: Aw: menus ?
- Aw: menus ?
- contents of tracker list is empty
- Upload two files with same filename in seperate galleries
- solution
- custom userfields in user preferences wont save the data back, error
- Aw: Re: menu cache problem, help
- Aw: Tikiwiki... HelpDesk (trackers) ?
- Aw: How to decrease font size?
- Re: menu cache problem, help
- menu cache problem, help
Forum topics
- WikiPages Multilanguage automatically jump to the userlanguage translation set
- Auto detect browser language?
- rc2 to rc3, database changes?
- Newsletter welcome mails untranslated
- contents of tracker list is empty
- Upload two files with same filename in seperate galleries
- custom userfields in user preferences wont save the data back, error
- menu cache problem, help