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Features / Usability

Auto detect browser language?

posts: 41 Germany

Hi, long time nothing heard from me ๐Ÿ˜ก

Does anybody knows if the feature "Auto detect browser language" now works in the latest official tikiwiki 1.9 build?

In the previus builds I got a error message when the feature is turned on and displaying any site and could only hard turn that feature off to browse the sites.

Thanks, very much! ๐Ÿ˜


posts: 2881 United Kingdom

Not sure.

Will have to wait for Sylvie to wander over this way with a answer.

I usually turn all that off to get some speed ups anyway.


posts: 41 Germany

With 1.9rc3.1 still the same error: ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™

Warning: stat failed for lang/index.php/language.php (errno=20 - Not a directory) in /var/www/html/tikiwiki19/lib/tikilib.php on line 6037

Warning: stat failed for lang/langmapping.php/language.php (errno=20 - Not a directory) in /var/www/html/tikiwiki19/lib/tikilib.php on line 6037

Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/html/tikiwiki19/lib/tikilib.php:6037) in /var/www/html/tikiwiki19/tiki-login.php on line 172)

Sylvie, is this error out? โ“

Big thx,


posts: 2881 United Kingdom

Also I find the bl's on all the URLs a pain in the backside. Surely rather than a modification to all urls it can just check the preference setting instead of modifications.

Maybe I can commit that in the next couple of days unless osmeone beats me to it.


posts: 41 Germany

This is only usefull to me for the entry page,
at this point no user is logged in.

When the user is logged in it catch the preferences of the user anyway and (hopefully?) do not modify the url...

but with the last installation of the official 1.9rc2 I could not even get to this point.๐Ÿ˜‘ because of the error.


posts: 41 Germany

This is only usefull to me for the entry page,
at this point no user is logged in.

When the user is logged in it catch the preferences of the user anyway and (hopefully?) do not modify the url...

but with the last installation of the official 1.9rc2 I could not even get to this point.๐Ÿ˜‘ because of the error.


posts: 1092

For the best language bl param, I advice people that are not building a multilingual site to turn this feature off. It gives to possibility to navigate through the site without updating the link in a page
It can't be done automatically as a user can always see a page that is not in his browser preference... You image I want to see the english version , I have to take off my french browser pref to see the page ... not good at all.

bl and browser detection has nothing to do together.

For the browser preference - see batawa he is the author - but I will be happy take some time today to see what I can do
I need to know from which url you have the problem?

posts: 41 Germany

Thanks for the explanation... โ—๐Ÿ˜

I use a internal test server. It is not connected to the internet now. ๐Ÿ˜
But you can reproduce this bug when you set up the tarball from the official 19rc3.1 and fire browser detection on.

I got a relative simple solution now which is working for me in this situation:

I insert only 4 lines of php code which checks from which url the user come. If the url contains ".de", in tiki-setup.php the $lang will be set to "de" otherwise to "en" as default language.

When a user login the language settings would be in every point overitten from the user settings, so all the part which is visible for anonymous users are fine.๐Ÿ˜

This probably works only if you have different domains like ".de" or ".com".

As I wrote I have tested the 19rc3.1 and the browser detection does not work... when I got the cvs running I will check if in the current stand the bug is fixed.

The only said thing for me is now that the language version of a wiki page would not be automatically set by the system language... which means heavy restructuring of menues and those group assignments.

But anyway... TikiWiki is the greatest concoction since coffeeโ—๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

Thanks so much...

posts: 1092

I tested again this evening. With 1.9 cvs, I didn't get a problem.
But is there a bug with some browser? Whick browser do you use?

posts: 41 Germany

Hi, Mozilla Firefox, latest.

But I get the error with any browser and this error msg comes up from php... ๐Ÿ˜

Warning: stat failed for lang/index.php/language.php (errno=20 - Not a directory) in /var/www/html/tikiwiki19/lib/tikilib.php on line 6037

Warning: stat failed for lang/langmapping.php/language.php (errno=20 - Not a directory) in /var/www/html/tikiwiki19/lib/tikilib.php on line 6037

Thx, Pete

posts: 1092
DId you try with a recent 1.9 cvs?

posts: 19 Germany

My problem was a bit different:
Tikiwiki 1.9.9 (my first running version) had been installed here without auto-detection of the browser language.

How to activate later the auto-detection?
The sites here are "omni-language" (utf8), for international use, so auto-detection is a must.

There are probably more intelligent solutions than the following one. But I did not find instantly a more intelligent way, so I did it as follows. This might be helpful for those who also do not succeed to find rapidly a more intelligent solution....

This is a copy from my internal HOWTO- file in HTML:

=== direct manual FTP access by TYPING: ftp -iv
=== INPUT: cd www
=== INPUT: cd tiki
=== INPUT: lcd /sitemirrors/sitevox/tiki
=== INPUT: get tiki-setup.php tiki-setu_p-orig071221.php
=== INPUT: mget tiki-setup.*
=== Locally with editor KATE: modifiy in tiki-setup.php as follows:

# *MODIF 2008-03-22 was initially: if ($feature_detect_language == "y") {
# *MODF ........ changed to: if (1) {
if (1) {

INPUT: mput tiki-setup.*

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