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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Aw: Re : Auto detect browser language?

posts: 41 Germany

Thanks for the explanation... ❗😁

I use a internal test server. It is not connected to the internet now. 😐
But you can reproduce this bug when you set up the tarball from the official 19rc3.1 and fire browser detection on.

I got a relative simple solution now which is working for me in this situation:

I insert only 4 lines of php code which checks from which url the user come. If the url contains ".de", in tiki-setup.php the $lang will be set to "de" otherwise to "en" as default language.

When a user login the language settings would be in every point overitten from the user settings, so all the part which is visible for anonymous users are fine.😁

This probably works only if you have different domains like ".de" or ".com".

As I wrote I have tested the 19rc3.1 and the browser detection does not work... when I got the cvs running I will check if in the current stand the bug is fixed.

The only said thing for me is now that the language version of a wiki page would not be automatically set by the system language... which means heavy restructuring of menues and those group assignments.

But anyway... TikiWiki is the greatest concoction since coffee❗😁😁😁

Thanks so much...

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