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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

MultiSite issue

posts: 19 Germany

Hi again,

it's a feature request since June 2003 to add table prefixes to the TW tables in order to allow multiple TW sites in a single MySQL database. Is this a complex change to be done? Can I do it manually somehow in the tikiwiki php scripts?

I've run into exactly that problem now that I would like to have multiple TW sites on a host which only gives me one mySQL database...


posts: 2881 United Kingdom


I dont see TikiWiki having this feature for a long time. Its a massive environmental change that developers would need to take into account, thats unless some tidy adodb function could be dreamt about. Why not checkout Tikipro the fork of TikiWiki at http://www.tikipro.org they have this although I dont know about their multi-tiki capability.
