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Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

V1.9 Can't change Article Publish/Expire Date???

posts: 26

Just installed Tiki 1.9 RC3 from head.

I'm not able to change the publish date or expire date on tiki articles because the fields are missing. View source shows them but it looks like the style sheet is not letting them show???? HELP

Is it just me?

posts: 26

It turns out that there is a bug in the tiki-edit_article.tpl.
A new feature was added for 1.9 that hides the publish date and the expiration date if you you allow publishing before and after these dates. This is nice BUT, not tested. The logic was backwards. The two checks types.$type.show_pre_publ and $types.$type.show_post_expire were looking for a 'y' when they should have been looking for a 'n' or changed the logic to be not eq 'y'.

posts: 1092
Do you want CVS access? and do the fix by yourself?
posts: 26

Turns out that the bug is in both edit_article and edit_submission.

Because I didn't have cvs access I created a bug on sf (see 1020068) and I attached the updated files. Can you check them in for me??? Definately don't want this bug going out.

New bug in tiki-edit_submission.php because expire date is not saved, it's set to the publish date. This is an old bug that was suposidly fixed. Thankfully the tiki-edit_article.php does not have this bug. I have NOT fixed that.

-- C --

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