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Re: Layout starter

posts: 179 France

I came to tiki having some experience of html, css, and also Spip as far as cms were concerned.

On my tiki sites I have started modifying the css. It doesn't take much time to recognize the different layout elements, the comments are always complete, but... that's for those who already understand css.

I guess I could start modifying the php templates too, in fact I'll have to do it, but i am reluctant, because I consider it is almost a vice in the development of a cms, if you take the habit of inviting people to tweak the scripts.

A "good" cms should offer everything by GUI. What I mean by "good" is officially admitting the needs of users who don't want to learn code, designing the cms for a large audience, etc.

I admit though that full layout features who result in tiki becoming a full css editor, with different admin pages for each element...

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