Update to 1.8.4 - tiki-featured_link.php
Hello dear community
As you can read in my earlier post (Just tried tiki 1.9RC3) I try to Update two of my intranet sides to 1.8.4.
The intranet, bevor I took it over was absolutly static, all the informations where stored in .html, .pfd, and .xls. So I desidet to ceep that state and put all the files in the filelibrary, of course not very clever (because of search and so on) but the fastet way.
To make these files accessible to the people I liked them in the sides and menues. To make it possible to open it in a new windows I even made a second link with a little icon.

and the code is:
[tiki-featured_link.php?type=f&url=tiki-download_file.php?fileId=328| Reglement du personnel|nocache]<a href="tiki-download_file.php?fileId=328" TARGET="_blank"> <img src="show_image.php?id=350" ALT="In einem neuen Fenster öffnen" BORDER="0" NATURALSIZEFLAG="3" > </a> * [tiki-featured_link.php?type=f&url=tiki-download_file.php?fileId=329| Annexe 1|nocache]<a href="tiki-download_file.php?fileId=329" TARGET="_blank"> <img src="show_image.php?id=350" ALT="In einem neuen Fenster öffnen" BORDER="0" NATURALSIZEFLAG="3" > </a>
(In einem neuen Fenster öffnen = Open in a new window) -> (does not have relevance, just to prevent questions)
eam, because its not possible to post html tags as code I also post that picture to make sure everything is clear!

If you click on the link, you got the file open in the Tikiwiki side (?Iframe), and if you click on the picture, you got the file opened in a new window (not the application window, just in a new browser window).
If you click on the link a new windows opens! with a white frame in the middle, a dialog is opened where you are asked if you wanna save or open the file! then you can click open and it opens in the default application (.pdf -> acrobat reader). If you click on the image, kinda the same thing happens, just there is no new windows with tikiwiki inside and the withe frame..

I hope its not against a rule to post such pictures here (or something) I just wanna make clear what I mean with my description). Of course the code is exatly the same!
Help! if you read my old post u'll know Im kinda in a hurry, that means its not realy helpfull to give me hints how I can change the code. Of course if theres no other way i'll have to spend some more nights on it..
I know there are some security reasons why this message could appear, but both of the side are surfed from the same computer, with the same browser (ie and firefox).
I thought about copy the old tiki-featured_link.php into the directory.. but im not so sure if i should do this.. a reason why I update to 1.8.4 is to give my follower a stable state to deal with coming upgrades (1.9, 1.10, 2 😊 )
Okey.. hmm and don't push me around because I use html in wiki sides! I had to make sure that they took the solution for the new intranet, and after that I can slowly change the whole thing the way I wants it.
Thanks for all your help!
some days I feel like I understand something about tikiwiki, and somedays im like a totaly dau! (don't know if this expression is also used in english)