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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Comment Spam

posts: 4

I'm using Tiki 1.5 as CMS for a news portal. For several weeks I'm under comment soam attacks now. I don't want to urge users to login. But my users don't want to read the spam 😕 I'm using Tiki 1.5 -

Have there been improvements concerning "spam resistance" od Tiki since version 1.5? If not: What's the status of such features.
Thanks and bye,


posts: 2881 United Kingdom

Hi neosys.

You should certainly upgrade to the latest TikiWiki as it concerns major security patches and fixes.

The latest combat against comment spam has been making the delete icon bigger 😂

There is very little you can do, we get it on tw.o as well.


posts: 4

Well, you are right: update is always usefull. There was a mistake in my previous post - I'm using TikiWiki 1.7. I "fear" updates because I have a lot of customized templates and also some modified modules and dirty hacks. That's why I avoid updates until I see major improvements concerning my needs.
Actually there is a comments task force in Tiki as I found by searching for "spam" on tikiwiki.org: http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=CommentDev
I'm not a good coder myself so I don't know how feasable some of the proposed measures are. Of course spambots are normally improved as fast as we improve our code. But maybe we could exclude the dumb ones at least with simple improvements.

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