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Features / Usability

File gallery upload yields "Document contains no data"

posts: 3

Hi everybody,

Title says it all — when I try to upload a file to a file gallery, I get "Document contains no data".

I'm running Tikiwiki 1.8.5 Polaris.

When I tried this some months ago, it worked. Editing and saving an ordinary page does work.

Any hints are much appreciated.

Robert Dodier

posts: 3

> Title says it all — when I try to upload a file to a file gallery, I get "Document contains no data".

I have a little more information now — it seems the problem is that the file I want to upload is very large (about 5 M).

I can successfully upload small files (largest successful upload is about 300 k). A file of 800 k fails.

When I use lynx, I see the message "Request Entity Too Large" with the detail "the amount of data provided in the request exceeds the capacity limit" from the web server (apache). (I usually use mozilla, and for whatever reason, it did not show that message.)

So either I can figure out how to convince apache to allow bigger uploads (looking at httpd.conf didn't turn up anything promising), or I'll just put the files under the apache document root and make external links.

Anyway, maybe this information will be useful to people in a similar situation.

Robert Dodier

posts: 3

Thank you I just ran into this situation. I am going to try modifying my php.ini to see if it will allow me to upload larger files, other wise I will be placing the files into the root and linking to them.

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