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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

Re:Please establish dependencies rules

posts: 224 Ireland

I agree that not all system/application requirements are defined as they should be but I don't agree that Tiki doesn't run on older systems. My own Tiki runs on a plain RH 7.3, Apache 1.3.27, PHP 4.2.1 and MySQL 3.23. Not exactly all the latest versions of these softwares but Tiki works without any problems.

I don't want to kick in an open door by saying you should upgrade your box but considering that:
a. Red Hat is not supporting 6.2 anymore
b. using (too) old versions of PHP, Apache leaves you quite vulnerable in the security end of things.

Taking those into account I do think you should consider upgrading your box!

Finally, myself I wouldn't consider GD optional but if you don't use the image galleries and/or statistics then GD is optional. Because Tiki offers so much else besides the Image Galleries I can understand why it is labelled 'optional'.



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