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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Displaying list of attached files in a wiki page

posts: 78 India

Hi, how do I display the list of files attached to a page in the page? Say, a page has 1 file attached, it shows '1 attachment' (or '1 file attached'...don't remember)..when it is clicked, we jump to URL#attachments displaying a table like:


How can I insert this table anywhere I want on the page?

I tried DSN but the displayed records don't have the binary download option (note the 'data' field which is empty):


I have looked at ATTACH plugin, but the max I could get to display using it is only:



posts: 2881 United Kingdom


Reformat the code in the ATTACH plugin to render the results in a table like you want.

Easy eh ? 😀


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