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Features / Usability

forum request

posts: 61

i've been using tikiwiki since version 1.6. and it just gets better!

at the moment i'm using 1.8.5 and i'm thinking of upgrading to 1.9 (maby wait to 1.9.1).
but what i would like to know is it posible to let users vote on a forum topic. and if there are, lats say, 5 negative votes the post is send to a moderator.
or even 5 ngeative votes more than positives.

so i don't have to moderate all forum messages and let the community do the work. 😁

so lets call it a community moderator option??


posts: 61

> Great,
> when are you going to commit it 😀 ?
as soon as i learn php😁
> Feature suggestions should be made through http://dev.tikiwiki.org now or directly to a FindTikiExpert in exchange for some Euro's
> Damian
> http://tikihost.net
i will add a feature request and if someone could help i could do some programming (php should not be to difficult for someone who can speak java and perl)