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Galaxia Workflow Engine

I am willing to share a process


Hi all,
in the last few days I designed, implemented and tested a pretty good process in Galaxia. It's good in the sense that it features all types of activities (normal, switch, split, join) and has very simple and straightfoward code. Like the CD Loans process, it interacts with a database table.
The process also shows that there is a bug in the implementation of JOIN activities. Looks like I'm applying patch #1194725 after all.
I have applied a few other patches to the code as well. I haven't rewritten large portions of it, but the changes are significant in the sense that they fix important functionality.
If patch #1194725 doesn't break anything, I'll start implementing the first process at my company.
I STRONGLY suggest that anyone interested in implementing workflow at their company install JaWE (http://jawe.objectweb.org/) and read thoroughly its manual and tutorial. You'll get a firm grasp of workflow in general.
If somebody would like to get a copy of the process, just reply to this thread and I'll send it. It doesn't look like it, but Galaxia is a VERY promising module and you can do some pretty cool stuff using it. Regards,


> If somebody would like to get a copy of the process, just reply to this thread and I'll send it. It doesn't look like it, but Galaxia is a VERY promising module and you can do some pretty cool stuff using it.

Georger, I would like to see a copy of this. The project is sorely missing documentation for workflow dev. I'll post some once I get some better mastry, but can you email this to me? Thanks


> > If somebody would like to get a copy of the process, just reply to this thread and I'll send it. It doesn't look like it, but Galaxia is a VERY promising module and you can do some pretty cool stuff using it.
> Georger, I would like to see a copy of this. The project is sorely missing documentation for workflow dev. I'll post some once I get some better mastry, but can you email this to me? Thanks

I couldn't find your email, but you can get my process at the following URL:
The process was implemented in TikiWiki 1.9.0 (Sirius). It's the version I'm running right now.
You should also apply patch #1194725 (http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1194725&group_id=64258&atid=506848), it fixes non-interactive activities. To see this for yourself, run an instance of the process without the patch, then apply it and try again.
Yes, the documentation is lacking. I am coding a BIG process in my company right now, and fixing stuff as it comes up - when it's done I'll contribute my findings back to TikiWiki. I already have a few fixes I'm going to submit, and contributing new documentation would be a natural step.
Please give feedback about the process. I hope you find it useful and educative. Try and implement a standalone activity to query existing records, it will be good exercise 😉 Regards,



> > > If somebody would like to get a copy of the process, just reply to this thread and I'll send it. It doesn't look like it, but Galaxia is a VERY promising module and you can do some pretty cool stuff using it.
> >
> > Georger, I would like to see a copy of this. The project is sorely missing documentation for workflow dev. I'll post some once I get some better mastry, but can you email this to me? Thanks
> I couldn't find your email, but you can get my process at the following URL:
> http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1210071&group_id=64258&atid=506846
> The process was implemented in TikiWiki 1.9.0 (Sirius). It's the version I'm running right now.
> You should also apply patch #1194725 (http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1194725&group_id=64258&atid=506848), it fixes non-interactive activities. To see this for yourself, run an instance of the process without the patch, then apply it and try again.
> Yes, the documentation is lacking. I am coding a BIG process in my company right now, and fixing stuff as it comes up - when it's done I'll contribute my findings back to TikiWiki. I already have a few fixes I'm going to submit, and contributing new documentation would be a natural step.
> Please give feedback about the process. I hope you find it useful and educative. Try and implement a standalone activity to query existing records, it will be good exercise 😉 Regards,
> Georger

CORRECTION: I got confused, this patch fixes JOIN activities getting activated before all preceding activities are completed. The fix for non-interactive activities is already implemented as of 1.9.0.



Hello Georger,

I'm Yann. I work for a French university. Your example is very interesting. I made a workflow for university use too. I work on Tiki 1.8.5. at first. In this version, does non-interactive activities not work because allow_url_fopen in php.ini is originally at off ?

Here is what workflow I made. Students go in stage and have 6 rapports to make.
-A student upload his first rapport.
-His teacher his warned and has to approve or reject the rapport.
-If the rapport his rejected, the sutdent read teacher comments and upload a new rapport.
-The teacher can approuve it or reject it again.
-If he approves it, he have to comment it and the boss of the student (in his stage) receive a warning and can read the rapport and comment it.
-The student can upload rapport 2.



> Hello Georger,
> I'm Yann. I work for a French university. Your example is very interesting. I made a workflow for university use too. I work on Tiki 1.8.5. at first. In this version, does non-interactive activities not work because allow_url_fopen in php.ini is originally at off ?
> Here is what workflow I made. Students go in stage and have 6 rapports to make.
> -A student upload his first rapport.
> -His teacher his warned and has to approve or reject the rapport.
> -If the rapport his rejected, the sutdent read teacher comments and upload a new rapport.
> -The teacher can approuve it or reject it again.
> -If he approves it, he have to comment it and the boss of the student (in his stage) receive a warning and can read the rapport and comment it.
> -The student can upload rapport 2.
> Yann

Hi Yann,
it's good to get your positive feedback 😀
Yes, non-interactive activities fail on 1.8.5 because the URL is malformed. It's been a while since I last worked on 1.8.5, but I believe there's an excess 'amp' or something. Anyway, it's fixed in 1.9.0. I suggest you upgrade, because the Galaxia code has been improved, the interface is better, and you won't have to integrate/backport any new 1.9.0 code. I myself have already submitted a few bug reports and patches on the SourceForge project page, and they're all for 1.9.0.
As for your workflow, it looks interesting, but I think it will need some outside resource - as far as I know Galaxia doesn't offer any job scheduling capabilities, and I guess you'll have to set up a cron-scheduled script that will run a query on your database and send an email based on the result. There's a nice example featuring this type of interaction on moses's CVSUP script - take a look here to get both the XML process definition and the script. Regards,
