Galaxia Workflow Engine

Galaxia Workflow Engine

Re: Re: I am willing to share a process


> > If somebody would like to get a copy of the process, just reply to this thread and I'll send it. It doesn't look like it, but Galaxia is a VERY promising module and you can do some pretty cool stuff using it.
> Georger, I would like to see a copy of this. The project is sorely missing documentation for workflow dev. I'll post some once I get some better mastry, but can you email this to me? Thanks

I couldn't find your email, but you can get my process at the following URL:
The process was implemented in TikiWiki 1.9.0 (Sirius). It's the version I'm running right now.
You should also apply patch #1194725 (http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1194725&group_id=64258&atid=506848), it fixes non-interactive activities. To see this for yourself, run an instance of the process without the patch, then apply it and try again.
Yes, the documentation is lacking. I am coding a BIG process in my company right now, and fixing stuff as it comes up - when it's done I'll contribute my findings back to TikiWiki. I already have a few fixes I'm going to submit, and contributing new documentation would be a natural step.
Please give feedback about the process. I hope you find it useful and educative. Try and implement a standalone activity to query existing records, it will be good exercise wink Regards,


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