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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

Galaxia Workflow Engine

Galaxia Workflow Engine

Re: Security problem with allow_url_fopen


A possible workaround is presented in http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?comments_parentId=6236&topics_threshold=0&topics_offset=30&topics_sort_mode=commentDate_desc&topics_find=&forumId=11
A hack, but if it works... Regards,


> Hi,
> If we want that non-interactive activities work, we have to put the allow_url_fopen to "on" in the php.ini file. When it's off, we have a blank page when a non-interactive activity is executed.
> I have a "problem" with my server admin who doesn't really agree to let allow_url_fopen at "on"...
> Is it possible to modify the script to not use that ?
> Thanks,
> Yann

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