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Galaxia Workflow Engine

Re: Re: can't see nothing under "User Process"

> Is the process valid (no errors) and active (enabled)?
> Georger

thanks. i'm stupid, i didn't see the process was correct but not enable :P

few questions:

I know that an instance is an example of a process that "flow", pass from one activity to another. If you have an activity (start) named A and one named B, in sequence, an instance created by the start activity A go to the activity B. right?

Image that an instance named "first" is passed to activity B. In the activity B, you abort instance "first".
Using API ($GUI->gui_list_user_instances), i see (in the activity 😎 that instance "first" has INSTANCE STATUS = aborted (of course) and ACTIVITY STATUS = running.

The same appens with excpetion. Image that you have an instance named "second" passed to activity B. In the activity B, you exection the instance.
In the activity B, I see that instance "second" has INSTANCE STATUS = exception and ACTIVITY STATUS = running.

with $GUI->gui_list_user_instances you has for each instance some proprieties like instance status and activity status. what means activity status? i'm confused. why the activity status is still running for an instance aborted?

thank you in advance. i'm a student and i'm doing a thesis on workflow and galaxia using API for monitor and execute workflow (not for design it)

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