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Why tikiwiki isn't well known

posts: 2 Greece

My first impression from tikiwiki was "WOW, why I don't already know these excellent piece of software?".

Tikiwiki can provide plentyful high quality services to users or group of users. But it needs new services to implement so it could gain reputation.

The direction Tikiwiki could take is handling users information from any place, work or home. Information that the everyday user need and use for personal and business. I dont know what direction the developers of tikiwiki are planning to give, so I provide some ideas.

I provide below some features that, from the 'simple user' way of view are needed.

A contacts management feature is a 'must have' for a cms like tikiwiki. I am talking full management of contacts, even giving a picture of the person. It would be useful to cell phone users to save a vcard from the contact or create a new contact from a vcard.

Names day feature. When a names day is close, tikiwiki could check the contact names to see if exists a name that have a celebration. If exists, features like 'send an email', 'phone him', etc, should be available.

Email checking for new messages. Many of have email accounts that use through a pop server. It could be possible tikiwiki to access mailbox and check to see if new mail exists, and download it if necessery!

Since tikiwiki is a content management system, it should have a more sophisticated disk space management system. Users should have a specific storage limit for saving notes, files, images, contacts information, etc. Also it would be good for the security of the system to allow certain file types users could upload. That way the administrator of a tikiwiki system can control registered users more efficiently!

Calculator! Put a calculator in a box and place it at lower right, or left, corner. At work, some time of the day users need a calculator and have to open windows calculator to use.

Use the RSS information. It would be extremly useful if, upon request, a page could be created from RSS information. It could have the look of the first page of a news agency portal, but categorized! That was when I visit this page I can see concisely news information from 5-6 sites I am interested without visiting them and searching for new articles!

posts: 38 United States


Since no one else has responded, I thought I would, even though I'm not a "real" Tiki developer. (Yet.)

Your suggestions for contact management and calendar are interesting. However, I think this would be useful primarily if there was synchronizing software with PDAs. Perhaps PilotManager (http://pilotmanager.sourceforge.net/) could serve as a starting point.

> Email checking for new messages. Many of have email accounts that use through a pop server. It could be possible tikiwiki to access mailbox and check to see if new mail exists, and download it if necessery!

I wouldn't personally use this — I like a separate mail client — but others might, I suppose.
> Calculator! Put a calculator in a box and place it at lower right, or left, corner. At work, some time of the day users need a calculator and have to open windows calculator to use.

There is a calculator module available already, I believe.

> Use the RSS information. It would be extremly useful if, upon request, a page could be created from RSS information. It could have the look of the first page of a news agency portal, but categorized! That was when I visit this page I can see concisely news information from 5-6 sites I am interested without visiting them and searching for new articles!

This is existing functionality.


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