More patches for Galaxia
I've collected all fixes I and others made to Galaxia and posted them here. The list of fixes goes below. Regards,
Thanks to (in no particular order): the original Galaxia devs, smalcolm, Gremo, ashuap, pemen, klaus.h, and everyone else who contributed!
1) tiki-g-admin_activities.php
Do not allow blank names when adding new activities or roles in the Admin process activities screen.
2) tiki-g-admin_graph.php
Changed $info'graph'external link to that it would contain an URL to the graph image file instead of an absolute filesystem path.
3) tiki-g-admin_instance_activity.php
Remove debug echo statements.
4) tiki-g-monitor_workitems.php
Specify from which table we're querying instanceId when filtering in the Monitor workitems screen.
5) tiki-g-user_instances.php
Replace useless 'Process Name' filter with 'Instance Name' filter.
6) lib\Galaxia\config.php
Rewrote galaxia_execute_activity so that we don't need fopen() in order to run non-interactive activities.
7) lib\Galaxia\config.tikiwiki.php
Rewrote galaxia_execute_activity so that we don't need fopen() in order to run non-interactive activities.
8) lib\Galaxia\src\API\BaseActivity.php
Add and initialize missing expirationTime property.
9) lib\Galaxia\src\API\Instance.php
Fix setOwner method and handling of join activities.
10) lib\Galaxia\src\GUI\GUI.php
Make gui_list_user_instances() return instance name.
11) lib\Galaxia\src\ProcessManager\ActivityManager.php
Return array containing mapped roles for a given activity in list_activities() along with the other data.
12) lib\Galaxia\src\ProcessManager\GraphViz.php
Patched image_and_map() function to add the proper quotes in the outputh file paths when running on Windows. Fixes graph image file generation on Windows, as long as Graphviz binaries can be found in the PATH environment variable. The setup program for Graphviz adds the installation folder to PATH, so it shouldn't be a problem.
13) lib\Galaxia\src\ProcessMonitor\ProcessMonitor.php
Improve monitor_list_workitems() in order to add instance name and status and fix elapsed time in Monitor workitems screen.
14) templates\tiki-g-activity_completed.tpl
Change 'Title' label to 'Subject' on the comment screen.
15) templates\tiki-g-admin_activities.tpl
Add role to filter options in the Admin process activities screen.
16) templates\tiki-g-admin_shared_source.tpl
Add missing ) to 'Process form' code block.
17) templates\tiki-g-monitor_workitems.tpl
Add Instance name and status and fix elapsed time in Monitor workitems screen.
18) templates\tiki-g-user_activities.tpl
Don't prompt for instance name on standalone activities.
19) templates\tiki-g-user_instances.tpl
Add column to sort by meaningful instance name instead of confusing instance Id.