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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Re: Screwed up completely, anonymous users can't log on

posts: 957

I would suggest myself that you recreate groups and permissions. Afaik, anonymous and registered groups needed not to be renamed. And renaming groiups after creation is buggy, since most (all?) the created groups including the old one and users belonging to the old-name group will retain the old name (at least, it happenend to me several times previous attemps in differetns Tiki versions).

I'd suggest to change permissions (not names) on the default "anonymous" and "registered" group, and play with more permissions with other newly created groups....
(so I would try deleting your manully created "anonymous" group, then renaming "anonymous3" to "anonymous", and keeping also registered without change in its name. From then onwards, play with groups and perms as mauch as you need, but without renaming)

Cheers, (and good luck 😊


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