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Architecture / Installation

problem, my file galleri does not accept large files

posts: 82 Norway

I first had the setting "Use database to store files:", but then I learned that has file size limitations. Then I deleted it all, and created a new File Galleries, with "Use a directory to store files.
I finally managed to create a Directory path: /home/gilbcom/public_html/community/files/
that worked for a small file, then I tried a larger file, no luck, an error message says the file is too big. It has also said, there is no data in the file??

In particular I need to upload pdf files at 1 to 17 MB


Help would be much appreciated.


posts: 82 Norway

I sent a message to my web host for help, they responded:

We can not change the global value for you. You are welcome to place a php.ini with any settings you wish in the scripts directory. This will override the global settings.

I need help creating such a php.ini file. Could someone send me such a file with settings that allow for uploading files without size restrictions, real need is max 20MB.

I would appreciate your help.

posts: 82 Norway

I found this example, does it look reasonable? Can I just upload it? Where do I place it?


  1. Override PHP.ini variables:

  1. If you are using Apache 2, you have to use
  2. instead of .

php_value max_execution_time 600
php_value upload_max_filesize "25M"
php_value memory_limit "24M"

  1. Not sure what these should be, but they were recommended. They are timeouts in seconds and seem arbitrarily large.

php_value session.cache_expire 200000
php_value session.gc_maxlifetime 200000
php_value session.cookie_lifetime 2000000