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Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

blank page on EDIT-pages with NEW installment

posts: 40 Austria

as my old tiki (1.8.5. – http://wiki.esel.at) started making troubles
i tried upgrading, failed, so i am now trying to migrate manually to a
out-of-the-box installment of 1.9.2.
(the server: debian - MySQL 4.0.24 – though i am not the sys admin)

BUT: with panic i just noticed that the same error/bug(?) occurs on the totally NEW wiki-setup...– and now i am worried...

but maybe any of you guys knows what could be wrong with my setup – or if it´s a bug.

if i try to edit categories i just get a plain white page:

(i assigned permission to user group "anonymous"
so you could see the error - i.e. tiki_p_admin_categories & tiki_p_admin_directory_cats)

as this “blank page??? error turns up MORE FREQUENT on my “old??? wiki
(i.e. I can not even EDIT the ))HomePage(( which is VERY annoying)

and now i HOPE that by finding the mistake
i might even be able to use the old wiki properly again...

thank you VERY much for any answer – or any hints about similar experiences

i just saw that there is 1.9.3. available now – but i wonder if it will solve my problem (apart from the fact that it´s kind of hard to get my server admin to install it anew)

posts: 175 Canada

hi eSel; This sounds like the dreaded memory limit problem.

The new TW is apparently not as demanding but you do need a fair amount of memory to make it work well.

Check out these pages.


PHP Memory Limit Requirements

If this does not seem to help ask again. Include a bit of information about your server and memory limit.

Good luck, James

Oh, your links to your site do not seem to work!

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