Re: Wikisplit plugin and MySQL
I found 2 workarounds: when I copied the plugin of 192, it was ok again, also when I added the width=100% to the table. wikisplit using the 194 plugin..
It is still not clear to me that after deleting that table div from the css why tw keeps adding it and messing up the new splits while the old splits keep working fine..I guess it is a bug..anyway, it is working now, so I am happy..
I leave this below for the sake of others that might encounter this issue..
Now when I take a look at the source code of the generated pages using the SPLIT syntaxt of the previuos post, on the tw /192/ install I am running there is only one div class, called "wikitext". On the fresh 194 tw there is also the div class="wikitext" BUT ALSO a table class called "wikiplugin-split" AND ALSO a td class called "normal"
after deleting wikislplit plugin from the server there is again only div class="wikitext" present
So my 3 days long headache is caused by this automatically added table class called "wikiplugin-split" and also a class called "normal", which is in the source code of the faulty page (but that page is using NO CSS since I deleted all css from the server...5 days ago it was fine..I dont get it.. 😢 )
The first tw i mentioned /192/ is also using the split plugin, but it is not presented at all when looking at the source in the browser...
I remember, that I was doing my own css a few days ago and I included the following at one point: table.wikiplugin-split {font-size: 12px;}
As far as I remember these thingz started sometime after I did this. Can it be that this extra line modified something in the database or in a template???
Now after the reinstall of tw194, and having deleted all the css files on the server the situation is still the same, I have an ugly looking page with bad behaving SPLIT plugin 😊