Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

Re: sqlite issues

posts: 47 France

> i have a emply database file i created with the command "sqlite tiki.db" it has no tables in it. I also set it to be read/write for everone for good measure.
> it is located in the /var/www/wikiwiki/ derectory.
> for the intsall script i slect
> database type as SQLlite
> Host /var/www/tikiwiki/tiki.db (i have also tried various other paths)
> user name blanck
> password blank
> Database name tiki.db

These parameters look correct
1) directory /var/www/tikiwiki/ is readable/executable for the server
2) PHP is compiled with with SQLite support, or the SQLite extension dynamically loaded from your php.ini , see http://php.net/manual/en/ref.sqlite.php

Bon courage !

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