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Features / Usability

"minor edit" - function

posts: 54 Germany

Hi !

I have a problem with the "minor-edit" - function :

As admin I certainly have the permission "tiki_p_minor".
In the wiki editor I see the box to klick on "minor edit".
But when I edit a wiki page as "minor edit", the change is shown in the history and listed in the modul "latest changes".

As explained in documentation Wiki Config :

"Minor Edits

Users with the right permission can do minor edits on Wiki pages. Minor edits are not reflected in the history and users watching the page are not notified of them."

it shouldn't be so, or am I wrong ?

Seeing the box in the wiki editor I thought the function activated.
But next problem : Searching the activation box on the wiki admin panel (admin general > wiki > wiki functions) to check, if really acitvated I can't find it.

My list of wiki features is identically to the list shown on the Wiki Config Site.
There the function "Minor Edits" is described, but where can I enable/disable it ?
I can't find the function in the list.

thanks for help,


posts: 54 Germany


has nobody an idea ?

Maybe another function which I enabled/disabled not knowing it could disturb the minor edit ... ?

If you had right now no idea, it would help me just to know, if the minor edit on your Tiki 1.9.4. is running well or not.

  • Are the minor edits on your Tiki 1.9.4. saved in the history, yes or no ??

I'll very pleased about some answers 😀

best regards, Rontu

posts: 4661 Japan

I tested at sites using Tiki 1.9.4 and 1.9.5 CVS, and have the same experience as you: minor edits are included in the page history. A bug report should be submitted here.

-- Gary

posts: 3665 United States

Actually, I'd say that this is "as designed" and the docs are in error. Don't we want all edits to be reflected in the history? Otherwise how can you undo (i.e., rollback) a change?

I would suggest that a minor edit simply:

  • should not send notifications to anyone monitoring the page
  • should not appear in modules (since_last_new, last_changes, etc.)
  • should be maintained in the history

Just my $0.02....


> I tested at sites using Tiki 1.9.4 and 1.9.5 CVS, and have the same experience as you: minor edits are included in the page history. A bug report should be submitted here.
> — Gary

posts: 54 Germany

Hi Gary,

thank you very much for your answer !

I'll try to submit a bug report .. didn't want to write some earlier, cause as a newby I always don't know, if a disfunction is based on the system or my configure experimentations 😉

So I can at least stop poring over,
thanks a lot,


posts: 54 Germany

Hi !

@ Gary

I have no experience with the tracker feature.
Unlogged I see no button on the page you gave me as link, where I can open/submit a new tracker ...?
And my login attemptions failed several times.

Could you or someone else explain me, how to submit a bug report, or do it instead of mine ?

@ Rick

Thank you for your answer too 😊!

I would like to use the minor edit - and give this permission to some users which I am convinced will use this function resposible - for example for corrections of typos or something like that.

It seems very confusing for me, if such corrections appear in the "latest changes", because I think this module should only show important news of a wiki page like new content related writings.

So I absolutely agree with your "postulations".
It seems ok for me, if a minor edit is stored in the history and doesn't appear in the latest changes, so that everything is kept save without creating confusions.

The problem is, that the minor edits on my Tiki are as well included in the history as appear in the "latest changes".
According to the documentation, where both shouldn't be so - even if we could discuss about the meaning of the history storage - I fear this function isn't working well.

best regards,

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