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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

Features / Usability

Features / Usability


posts: 79 United States


Has anyone ever tried to use some validation on a survey before? Is it posssible? Any help would be great.

Thank you

posts: 100

what do you mean with validation?
only allowing sertain users to participate?
because that should be easy using group permisions:

tiki_p_take_survey ====> only thos who have this permision will be able to participate, so they will have to login first

but i'm pretty shure thats not what u where asking is it? 😉

posts: 79 United States
When I say validation I mean checking to see that all fields were filled out the phone is in the correct format, things like that.
posts: 1817 Catalan Countries
You may try tracker plugin nowadays (sylvieg added radio field) (at least on 1.10cvs trackers). Anyway, I don't know if tracker already check for validating field type with its content... (you can try, I think it does...)
posts: 1

> well...
> what do you mean with validation?
> only allowing sertain users to participate?
> because that should be easy using group permisions:
> tiki_p_admin_surveys
> tiki_p_take_survey ====> only thos who have this permision will be able to participate, so they will have to login first
> tiki_p_view_survey_stats
> but i'm pretty shure thats not what u where asking is it? 😉

I can't seem to get tiki_p_take_survey to work as one might expect. users with this permission can't seem to take surveys.

Anyone else having this problem?