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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Removing user from "registered" group

posts: 40 United States


Is there a way to remove a user from the registered group? I have tried to conventionally going in to manage user and click the "x" next to the registered group in the user's group list. I get an expected response of needing to confirm my action. Unfortunately the "registered" group remains in the users list and they still have all the functionality provided by the "registered" group.

I am doing this because I have a user I want to have access to one specific set of features and to not have access to everything else allowed to the typically registered users. Eliminating the user's acess to the registered group seemed the best way, I'll take any reasonable suggestion to accomplish this.

I'm using TikiWiki: 1.9.5


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