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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

Features / Usability

Features / Usability


posts: 54


Dont ask how but i just pressed the confirm delete button and erased the main left hand side menu i have spent ages configoring. I am hoping all my uploads are still there etc........is there anyway to get this back once you screwed up so bad???......

Can i go into my ftp and find the file and restore it to its righ place whereever that maybe?.....

desperately seeking help to save me having to do a total reinstall.....

Many thanks..........

posts: 4662 Japan

> Dont ask how but i just pressed the confirm delete button and erased the main left hand side menu i have spent ages configoring.

Where did you do the delete? On the Admin Menus page (clicking the X in the Actions column for that menu)? In this case, the information is|was in the database and clicking the X deletes the database entries, so you're out of luck unless by chance you have a database backup copy.

> I am hoping all my uploads are still there etc.

What uploads do you mean? Normally nothing is uploaded for a menu.

> desperately seeking help to save me having to do a total reinstall.....

There should be no reason to do a total reinstall if your Tiki is still working. It's "just" a matter of reconfiguring what you had before, it seems.

-- Gary

posts: 80 Austria

The menus are stored in the DB. Either you can restore a backup or your DB supports some kind of "recycle bin" where you can restore deleted data from.
The tables are:

posts: 100

>Dont ask how but i just pressed the confirm delete button and erased the main left hand side menu i have spent ages configoring. I am hoping all my uploads are still there etc........is there anyway to get this back once you screwed up so bad???......

it seems to me that you only deleted the menu, that is nothing more than a "list of shortkuts".
your photos, files, pages and so on are not stored there. you just deleted the "shortcut list".
you can test this by accessing theese pages and look if your stuff is still there:
http:// Your Page Name Here /tiki-file_galleries.php (for example http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-file_galleries.php )
http:// Your Page Name Here /tiki-galleries.php

so if I got it right all you need to do is redo your menu here:
"Your Page Name Here /tiki-admin_menus.php"

or, to have a working menu right now, try this:
"Your Page Name Here /tiki-admin_modules.php"
then go to the "Assign new module" part
by "Module Name" choose "application_menu"
"Position" = left
"Order" = choose a number that is not being used by any other module listed below
"Groups" = select all of them (ctrl+click)
irgnore Cache Time, Rows and Parameters
click on assign
refresh your page

this sample menu includes all pages avilable at your page, it is probably the menu you were using...
and if not, you can use it to create your own menu, or recreate it... whatever 😁
if it worked give us a shout, if not we will continue trying 😉

>> JJ

posts: 54

> >Dont ask how but i just pressed the confirm delete button and erased the main left hand side menu i have spent ages configoring. I am hoping all my uploads are still there etc........is there anyway to get this back once you screwed up so bad???......
> it seems to me that you only deleted the menu, that is nothing more than a "list of shortkuts".
> your photos, files, pages and so on are not stored there. you just deleted the "shortcut list".
> you can test this by accessing theese pages and look if your stuff is still there:
> http:// Your Page Name Here /tiki-file_galleries.php (for example http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-file_galleries.php )
> http:// Your Page Name Here /tiki-galleries.php
> so if I got it right all you need to do is redo your menu here:
> "Your Page Name Here /tiki-admin_menus.php"
> or, to have a working menu right now, try this:
> "Your Page Name Here /tiki-admin_modules.php"
> then go to the "Assign new module" part
> by "Module Name" choose "application_menu"
> "Position" = left
> "Order" = choose a number that is not being used by any other module listed below
> "Groups" = select all of them (ctrl+click)
> irgnore Cache Time, Rows and Parameters
> click on assign
> refresh your page
> this sample menu includes all pages avilable at your page, it is probably the menu you were using...
> and if not, you can use it to create your own menu, or recreate it... whatever 😁
> if it worked give us a shout, if not we will continue trying 😉
> >> JJ


Thanks syberjj....tried what you said but sadly it did not work....The menu is simply not listed on the admin_menus.php page. As for a recycle bin....i was hoping there is one but i have no idea where to start to look. The problem with the re-creat menu plan is that i have no idea what to place in the "section" and "permisions" fields on the menu options page. there were about 70 items originally and i think it would be a real headache unless someone can provide a list of what needs to be in each field box for each link. if such a standard list exists, or if someone can tell me how to work out what needs to be put in the fields i would go with that option, otherwise i can only imagine a reinstall would be quicker. one thought i had was to do a fresh copy of tikiwiki on my domain and copy the settings. Hoping you can come up with a quick fix.....Thanks....A

posts: 100

in "/tiki-admin_modules.php" there is a list of modules available for use.
doesn't any one of them end in "menu"?
something like:


these are all displayed in my wiki page.
at least admin_menu and application_menu should be listed.
just enable one of them and you will have at least a usable menu for building your own...
but don't delete anything yet! 😬
in last case you can upload a menu to your server, but i'm not shure wich file is responsable for this so the other guys should be able to help you.
this would be this "standard list" you are asking for, so the menu would be back again
(what file contains the mnu_application_menu that is available after a tiki instalation?)
good luck again 😁