Re: Re: Calendar only does 24hr time
I also monkey'ed with the java script ("jscalendar") pop up and it also seems to do only 24hr time so I turned it off again. In the past, I've found it difficult to adjust time on.
Part of the issue is the display of the time and part is the setting. I want my users to post events but the 24hr thing is enough of an issue that they won't use it.
The time is displayed in different places and different ways.
In list mode (AM/PM)
Rollover pop up (24hr)
Calendar mode + link (AM/PM)
Magnifying glass link off the pop up (AM/PM)
js calendar (24hr)
drop down menu selection of day, month, year, hours, min (24hr)
"manual selection of time/date" (24hr) even when entered as 12/14/2006 06:00PM. If you go back to edit it though it erases the manual entry and reverts to drop downs.
I love the pop up events and the view choices but it is just this far from being a usable calendar for those of us still on AM PM time.
My wish list:
-12 hr AM PM of course.
-Ability to add text to the calendar page (such as "Note: the calendar only works on 24 hr time when adding an event")
-Ability to export the list or calendar view as HTML so I can include it include in e-mail newsletters and drive people to the site with the links. I don't expect that one though.