Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Re: Links leading to "Invalid variable value"

posts: 3665 United States

For wiki pages that include "special" characters, try encoding the URL:

  • Josh%20%26%20Bob
  • Book%20%237



> When I try to make pages at my site using certain non-alphanumeric characters, it doesn't work properly.
> Linking with special characters #1
> (())
> If I try something like that, and then try to click on the link to edit it, I get Invalid variable value : page = Linking with special characters #1 At first I thought this was just a negative of TikiWiki. Tonight in searching around here to see if there was a way to work around this, though, I make the same links in a sandbox, and they work fine. What might be the difference in settings?

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