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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

Community and *.tiki.org site organization

Community and *.tiki.org site organization

Can't run setup.sh

posts: 1

I have just installed TikiWiki. What a marvelous package you folks have written. There are several community efforts that I plan to apply it to. Thanks so much!

So far, in starting to learn the system, I have only run across one major problem. When I try to run the 'Admin Mods' feature I get the following error.

You need to run setup.sh :./setup.sh $APACHEUSER all
Common Apache users are www-data, apache or nobody

I obviously do not have permissions to run the script and my ISP (Webmasters.com) doesn't grant that authority as a matter of policy.

How much of a problem is that going to be in using TikiWiki?

Thanks in advance for your time.


posts: 1639 Canada

You can relax permissions via FTP.

M 😉