

Re: Custom Error Pages

posts: 3665 United States

This is exactly what I did on my Tiki. Here's my custom 404 page:

I've had no problems — it works perfectly.


> I want to make some custom error pages for my tikiwiki site. I seen how to use an .htaccess file to define the location for custom error pages.
> EX:

Files .htaccess >

> order allow,deny
> deny from all

> ErrorDocument 404 /errordocs/error404.htm

> I'm wondering if using a static page in tikiwiki and linking it in this file would work?
> EX:

Files .htaccess >

> order allow,deny
> deny from all

> ErrorDocument 404 /tiki-page.php?pageName=404

> I know its obvious that for some errors this wont work, like php and database type problems.
> I'm wondering if the error page wont work, will it use the apache default error page?
> I'm sure other people have wanted to make their error pages look like part of the web site look.
> Any takes on the cons of doing this in a production environment with tikiwiki?

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