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Features / Usability

"prune" deleted images

posts: 40

Hi all
I have the following problem.
Doing a search on my entire site with a given word (garage), I found 3 references to an image, let's say:


The description was the same for all of these images.

I clicked all of them, and only the first had the image, the others two had a red cross instead of the image; the description was blanck (not the one i read on the search result) and the creation date was 1-1-1970

Actually I don't know what happened there: I suppose that an user uploaded and deleted the image twice before he was "happy" with the image. But users cannot delete images... only me, as admin, can do that...😕

Anyway, nor browsing nor listing the gallery you can see that images, only the first (good) is listed.

My question is: what could be happened ? What log should I check ?

And, more important, is there a way to tell tikiwiki to "prune" that images / references in order not to make them result in a search process ?

If you whant to have a look:


then search for "garage"

you will find only ONE link, the good one.

Also if you are logged as a "normal user" (registered), you will see only ONE link

Bat if you are logged in as admin, you will find THREE links, as previously exposed.

thanks in advance,

posts: 40

Hmmmm ❓
I store my pictures into mysql db, not into img dir...
Moreover, the problem seems to be the fact that a "remember" of that "document" (record) is in the "search memory".
The image actually does not exist...
Anyway, if you think that this Remove unused pictures may help...
Actually I have about 300 pictures, and almost all are NOT referenced by any wiki page/articole..

So I am a bit afraid about using that option..

What do you think ?

posts: 3665 United States

OK, I think I may have misunderstood your issue.... I re-read your original post:

Are you having problems with your search results being "out-of-sync" with your actual content?

Try Rebuilding the Search Index to refresh your search results.



> Hmmmm ❓
> I store my pictures into mysql db, not into img dir...
> Moreover, the problem seems to be the fact that a "remember" of that "document" (record) is in the "search memory".
> The image actually does not exist...
> Anyway, if you think that this Remove unused pictures may help...
> Actually I have about 300 pictures, and almost all are NOT referenced by any wiki page/articole..
> So I am a bit afraid about using that option..
> What do you think ?

posts: 40

I tried to push "Refresh wiki search index now", but nothing changed: I still see 3 links as admin
I think the problem could be a triple post, having the first two semi-failed.
In other words, the records were created with id 223 and 224, but no other information are there
Then the record with id 226 was OK. For some strange reason the search engine fin these 2 wrong, corrupted, incomplete records only if you are admin, with the same description of 226.
I think I should act on the db itself, perhaps with a delete query on a given table.

Looking at `tiki_images` table, I found the 3 records, with the 3 given id (223, 224 226), all of them
with the same galleryId, same name , same description and same user (NULL lat and NULL lon)

In the corresponding `tiki_images_data`, records for ImageID 223 and 224 are absent.

Can I safely delete the first 2 records from `tiki_images` ?
Should I check some other table ?