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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Trouble with calendar events...

posts: 3665 United States

Can anyone think of a reason why a calendar event will display properly in the main calendar (tiki-calendar), but will not appear in the mini calendar module?

For example, take a look at this calendar:

  • The main calendar has 7 day events.
  • The mini calendar has only 4 day events.

Can anyone figure out what I've done wrong? ❓


posts: 257 United States


Hey man! FYI, I popped over an looked and all the events on the main calendar were on the mini.

For what it's worth, I've had a few problems with items mysteriously disappearing when I am adding a number of events one after another -only to have them return just as mysteriously when I come back a little later.

I'll pop a mini calendar module up on my site and play around. I've wanted to do it anyway.

One bug I still haven't found is that the pop up time is still 24hr. You and I communicated about that a while ago and, thanks to your instructions, I did get it changed to 12Hr everywhere else but in the pop-up.

I'll let you know if I have any issues with the mini calendar.

posts: 3665 United States

> Rick,
> Hey man! FYI, I popped over an looked and all the events on the main calendar were on the mini.

Yes, it is an odd problem. It only appears for some users, and then only some of the time. I'm ready to chalk it up as a a caching problem.

> For what it's worth, I've had a few problems with items mysteriously disappearing when I am adding a number of events one after another -only to have them return just as mysteriously when I come back a little later.
> I'll pop a mini calendar module up on my site and play around. I've wanted to do it anyway.
> One bug I still haven't found is that the pop up time is still 24hr. You and I communicated about that a while ago and, thanks to your instructions, I did get it changed to 12Hr everywhere else but in the pop-up.

The work around I've been able to come up with is brute force math... If the time is > 12, then subract 12 and add "PM" else add "AM".

The problem is that PHP math functions are so expensive. 😑
