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Features / Usability

Categories don't show

posts: 1

Hello- I've created some categories and assigned some pages to them. But how do I get the categories to show for users? I can see a categories link when I'm signed in as an admin, but if I go anonymous, its not there. I've assigned the permissions so the "anonymous" group can view the categories.

What am I missing?

Thanks in advance.

posts: 3665 United States

> Hello- I've created some categories and assigned some pages to them. But how do I get the categories to show for users? I can see a categories link when I'm signed in as an admin, but if I go anonymous, its not there. I've assigned the permissions so the "anonymous" group can view the categories.
> What am I missing?
> Thanks in advance.

Do you have the Show Category Objects feature turned on?


posts: 11 United States

I go through this every time I install TikiWiki
Show Category Objects is Checked
I have checked and unchecked every thing in the Category configuration.
I edit perm every where I can find them!
I clear the tiki Cache I have cleared all the browser Cache.
I have used several browsers, I have used several browsers on several computers!
I have spent over 6 hours looking for the solution and usually I find it!
This Time it’s a no SHOW !! AAArrrggggggg 😑 Please Help!

Just installed version 2.2
At http://www.its.mn
It even shows it in the category on the path! But not in categories.

posts: 11 United States

Yes it was done before and is done again. Still nothing.🙁
Is 2.2 a Stable Version?
Things keep changing Like I Activated the Contact us page for Anonymous users to be able to contact me and in about 15 - 20 minutes the page is deactivated?

posts: 11 United States
Is 2.2 a Stable Version? Things keep changing Like I Activated the Contact us page for Anonymous users to be able to contact me and in about 15 - 20 minutes the page is deactivated?

Must be something I am doing only happens when I am logged in. If I remember correctly I have had other versions do that to me also.

posts: 3665 United States

The categories and contact us features are working perfectly for me on my 2.2 sites.

Things to check:

  • Are you 110% sure that your Anonymous group has tiki_p_view_categories permission? I'm able to view the page (which is categorized), but not view the contents of the category.
  • Do you have any custom permissions assigned to the category (tiki-categpermissions.php)

For the "Contact Us" issue:

  • Do you have the Contact Us feature enabled?
  • Do you have the User Messages feature enabled?
  • Do you have the Allow anonymous users to "Contact Us" option enabled?


Need more help? Try TikiWiki for Dummies Smarties or read my Tiki Blog or visit my UserPage

posts: 11 United States

Yes Just checked again, all is ok.
If you would like to log in, you have been here long enough, I think I could trust you.
Let me know Ill send you the info.

Contact US is ok, I think I accidently change it with another option somewhere When I am loged in.
posts: 11 United States

Ok Now its getting Weirder!! 😬
I just reactivated the Articles to see it they would show up in the category!
The old Article I had in there showed back up but now new articles will not show up at alL! In catigories or in articles. The do show up in the admin but not for Anonymous.
These are the two articles # 2 is also a wiki page so if you see it twice you are not seen double 😂

1. Body and spirit
2. Has the bible been changed, question.

Now what Think If I reinstall it will help?
This thing is eating my Lunch!

posts: 11 United States

Here is the link to the article

I matched all the Group Perms with another web site that is working properly also I have give a list below of the perms that I have enabled for anonymous to try and get this going.

posts: 4661 Japan

Did you assign tiki_p_view_categorized to anonymous?

-- Gary

posts: 11 United States

Hi Gary
Problem Solved Ricks99 went in and figured it out for me here is the solution.

Your category permissions are incorrect. You were assigning specific permissions to each category — this was overriding your default (to allow anonymous to view the articles). Also, you articles belong to multiple categories. Tiki will, by default, use the most restrictive set of permissions for items that span multiple categories.
posts: 11 United States

Thanks For every ones help.

Problem Solved, Ricks99 went in and figured it out for me here is the solution.

Your category permissions are incorrect. You were assigning specific permissions to each category — this was overriding your default (to allow anonymous to view the articles). Also, you articles belong to multiple categories. Tiki will, by default, use the most restrictive set of permissions for items that span multiple categories.

posts: 54 Germany

Hi Richs,

I had a look at your site and have actually one constellation in mind to configure such a situation:

Did you give anonymous visitors just tiki_p_view and tiki_p_view_categories permissions, but not tiki_p_view_categorized and then override the global (maybe also the category) permissions with an object (page) specific permission tiki_p_view for this one page?

If so, but you want anonymous to see the page and browse categories with the items, then assign to anonymous the permissions tiki_p_view_categorized, too, like Rick said, and take away all category and page permissions.

For the contact us feature (I had problems with the changes, too) you can look here http://doc.tikiwiki.org/Contact+Us and here http://tikiwiki.org/ContactUs.


posts: 11 United States

I have read and double checked every thing you said. And I don think that is the issue. Thanks though.

posts: 3 United Kingdom

I know it's a year since the last post in this thread but I have also spent hours working this out and the solution is:

to clear out the cache on tiki-admin_system.php

wish I had worked this out a few weeks ago!!

posts: 35

Hi there,

I have exactly the same problem but can't get rid of it.

Only as admin I can see the pages, as Anonymous or Registered the pages with a category don't show.

I started out with only global permissions:

As soon as i add a category to a page, it's goon. When I remove the category from the page, the page is back again.

After that I tried the following:
I made a new category, I emptied the box that takes care of the permissions automatically and placed permissions manually:

Anonymous tiki_p_view_categories
Registered tiki_p_view_categories

Last thing I tried was clearing the cache.

I really need the categories to reorganize my pages, but it just doesn't work. Can this be a version 2.2 thing or am I doing something wrong?


posts: 35

One thing, what does this mean:

"Categories checking is not done in the database search."

This message pops up at the category section


posts: 35

I figured out the problem:

In version 2.2 while setting the permissions manually on a (new) category, I was only able to select tiki_p_view_categories. View_categorized was not visible, so I couldn't choose it.

This morning, I went back to categories I created earlier, and... was able to select view_categorized.

Now everything works!

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