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Re: Re: Cleanup for img/wiki_up and Proposed Structure

posts: 28 United States

> > Second question...
> >
> > Without doing manual upkeep, there is a very real potential for filename conflicts in img/wiki_up. Has there been discussion about modifying the attachment scripts to create subdirectories based on the page ID under img/wiki/up ?
> There's nothing built-in. The solution has to be a consistent naming system for page authors, like ))PageOne_image1.png,PageOne_image2.png((, or with a timestamp, which I think somebody might have built into the image upload script at some Tiki site.
> The existing "Remove unused pictures" might be a starting point for cleaning the wiki_up directory. And it doesn't seem like it'd be too hard to add something to the image upload script, like the way Firefox Snapshot screenshot files get a (Unix?) timestamp added to the name.
> Personally, I like the way wiki_up images have human-readable names and wouldn't want to lose that, but adding the timestamp would be good.

I like the filenames as they are too, I would just like a way to differentiate filenames associated with page A with similar filenames associated with page B. I don't think a timestamp would do it, but either prefacing the filename with the post ID or creating a whole subdir for that post ID would.

I'll take a look at Rick's methods and see how he approaches it.

Thanks guys!


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