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Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

Administrative login problem

posts: 2
This is the third time I installed tikiwiki. in different database everytime. This time I created three administrator accounts. The problem is login. As soon as I press the submit button, the Password box goes empty. Where the data goes, no idea. Then the browser says invalid username+password. All my three aministrator accounts get the same response. What shall I do?I am totally disillusioned. SOS.
posts: 3665 United States

Are you using the correct password? For a brand new install, the default admin login is:

  • Username: admin
  • Password: admin

More information may also be useful... What webserver and database are you using?

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posts: 2

> Are you using the correct password? For a brand new install, the default admin login is:
> *Username: admin
> *Password: admin
> More information may also be useful... What webserver and database are you using?

I am using MySQL on linux.My site is www.krishnamrutam.com wiki.
I changed the password after i logged in. I created three admin accounts with different passwords. The problem is passowrd evaporates as oon as i click the submit button>
> -Rick
> Now Available: TikiWiki for Dummies Smarties — A beginner's guide to using ))TikiWiki((.
> Coming soon: TikiWiki for Smarties

posts: 6 Europe

Same issue. I had it yesterday, (after inadvertently clicking "change password" in general preferences form, with both password fields empty), and I corrected it manually editing database (i.e. I put a md5sum of the password "admin" in the password field of users_users table, then I logged to change the password).

This morning I had same issue again.

I guess the password change formulary is wrong; I'll try to enter the desired password straight into the database instead of manually editing it.

> Are you using the correct password? For a brand new install, the default admin login is:
> *Username: admin
> *Password: admin
> More information may also be useful... What webserver and database are you using?
> -Rick
> Now Available: TikiWiki for Dummies Smarties — A beginner's guide to using ))TikiWiki((.
> Coming soon: TikiWiki for Smarties

posts: 6 United States
Make sure you are not changing the username - just change the admin password. Then login and create yourself a super user account.

posts: 6 Europe
It seems a failure in TW 1.9.7. I've tried to post an analysis of that here, but my post was too long. If you want to see it, see This article in my wiki

posts: 2

I am having similar problems. I created a new install, and was really happy with the way things have gone so far.

Then I changed the password min length and "store plaintext password" options.

I was logged out of the system at this point, and when I tried to log back in found that it wouldn't accept my password (which I had changed).

Now when I use the "forgotten password" link, I get a blank password emailed to me, but it won't accept the blank password to log me in.

I am using mySQL on a Linux server, neither of which I'm too familiar with, so I've been unable to find the solution by poking in the DB.

If someone could show me the SQL to add a new password to the DB, or turn back on the "store plaintext" option, I'm sure I could manage from there.

I do think this is a bug though, and should be fixed ASAP, I guess.

Thanks in advance for any help,

posts: 2

Update: I am using TikiWiki 1.9.8 - which should have this bug fixed.

Also, I have tried manually updating the password to a value (from the apagada.com link) - and I can't log in with this either.

Now even more concerned that I have broken this permanently!

Please help!

posts: 6 Europe

> Update: I am using TikiWiki 1.9.8 - which should have this bug fixed.
> Also, I have tried manually updating the password to a value (from the apagada.com link) - and I can't log in with this either.
> Now even more concerned that I have broken this permanently!
> Please help!

The new version (1.9.8) uses email+login+password to generate the md5sum.
In any case, I HAD to make a clean install in order to login again (manually making the md5sum works in 1.9.7 but the patched database does not work for 1.9.8).

Note: Another approach I did not try is renaming the admin account from the db then making a new admin account with same privileges. I had the "prevent robots from registering" option enabled and, since that option makes you write down an (undisplayed: does someone else have this bug?) random number, I couldn't try to make a login.

posts: 6 Europe
I forgot to say: make a database backup from the phpmyadmin in your host, before you try anything.

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