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Community and *.tiki.org site organization

Community and *.tiki.org site organization

cannot re-login to a new install

posts: 23 United States

I am at my wit's end with this. I am running two web sites on server in a private network; both involve TikiWiki/SLES9 SP3/Apache2. One is running fine; the other was running fine up until a couple of months ago. Then the login process got flaky; I would get the message that "You have to enable cookies to be able to login to this site." Cookies are enabled. After a little research, I found something about the tiki_sessions table being goofed up. I looked and sure enough it was, so I emptied the table and began again. OK for awhile. Then that started happening more and more often. I fixed the sessions table and went on. Finally, it started happening all the time. I got the latest release of TikiWiki — about a month ago, whatever that was, installed — same problem. I have checked to see if everybody has read permissions, and directories have executable permissions numerous times. I got the users' permission to just start over. I have done this 4 times now. I have deleted the database and made a new one with a different name, I have reloaded all of the software. I have looked at the httpd.conf file — this web site is configured just like the one that works. I have checked the two db users — all the same settings.

This morning I did the whole thing over again. Dropped all the tables, restarted mysql and apache2, and re-installed. I gave the admin user a password and made three users. I turned on forums and file galleries. I could still log in. I have been here before, so I rebooted the server. Now I can't login to any account — I get the cookies message yet again. I checked the tiki_sessions table — 1 record, 10KB 6KB overhead. I just checked it again — 125 records, 21.4KB, 0KB overhead. Meanwhile, the other tikiwiki just keeps going along with no problems. If anyone has any clues here, I would really appreciate hearing them.


posts: 4662 Japan

Since this may involve sessions, one thing to try is turning off or on "Store session data in database" on the Admin General page (tiki-admin.php?page=general) and seeing if there is any change. I have no idea if this is relevant, though. I'm not sure what you mean when you say the sessions table was goofed up. Do you mean it needed to be repaired? Generally there is a specific error message when this happens.

In my experience sometimes two Tiki sites running on one server can have problems since the cookies are set according to domain. You can set the "Remember me path" for each, if they share a domain, and this might reduce any cookie confusion (I believe the path is the Apache environment document root, as indicated on tiki-phpinfo.php).

I've also seen the "Cookies must be enabled" message a few times with Tiki and know that feeling of being falsely accused. I can't recall now what the problem was but it was fairly shortlived, I think something like deleting browser cookie info for the site might have been involved. Also, have you tried different browsers and if so is the behavior consistent? Browsers seem to vary quite a bit in how they handle cookies.

-- Gary

posts: 19 Germany

Other problemss stated for new TIKIWIKI tried on newest PHP versions 5.2x .

It is either a config error by admin, or a problem of latest stable TIKIWIKI (Oct. 2007) with neweset versions of PHP, or something similar. Various tests + details are described - please visit the links below.

Hopeful to get opinions on this before going on with my tests.

Details are in the FORUM: Architecture/Installation :

There the item:
"Register as a new user" does not excecute - config error? or bug in v. ?" :

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