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Features / Usability

Edit / Approve Edits Permissions for the Wiki

posts: 19

Hi thanks for reading.

I have a question about the permissions for editing a wiki. I read the documentation here http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Permission&structure=Documentation but it wasn't immediately clear if what I want to do is possible.

I want to create a wiki, and the user population will look something like this:

  • 50 users who can view and edit content, but edits are not "published" they are submitted for review to the...
  • 2 super-users who review, approve, and publish the edits of the regular users

Is this sort of edit permission/approval process possible with TikiWiki?

Thanks! ๐Ÿ˜€

posts: 19
oh I forgot to mention of course, there will be unlimited 'anonymous users' who can only view content

posts: 54 Germany

Hello StuManUSA,

now it's working on your site?

And do you have the same problem with vanished page description, too?

I'm really interested .. ๐Ÿ˜‰


posts: 19
I am setting up the site today and I will let you know later this week. Thanks.
posts: 19

I am trying to get this system to work. I have followed the instructions on these pages to the best of my ability.


I have failed.

I have tried assigning permissions to "Registered" group to edit wiki pages. It always says "permission" denied. In addition "Registered" group cannot create new pages in the wiki. I am stuck. Would an admin help me? I am pressed for time. Is there a contractor or consultant I could hire to set this up for me?

posts: 54 Germany

Hi Stu Man (hope, it's ok, calling you so, to avoid your name being a wiki link ๐Ÿ˜‰?),

did you give Registered the permission tiki_p_view, too? Cause they must have first permission to see a page, before they can edit it. Alternatively you assign all permissions from Anonymous (if they have tiki_p_view) to Registered under admin > groups > edit the group Registered - and then below the description include the group Anonymous.

Note: for making the staging and approving work, all users or visitors, who should being able to view the approved wiki pages must have this two permissions:

  • tiki_p_view AND
  • tiki_p_view_categorized !

Try, just for testing, not for "final solution" ๐Ÿ˜‰, to set all groups and permissions like I described on http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Staging+Approving+Group+Category+Permissions - it should work!

And remember including the groups: Anonymous > Registered > Editors > Approvers. Otherwise you'll have to give each "higher" group manually all permissions from all the "lower" groups, too.

Wish you success!

posts: 19

You can call me whatever you want, my name is Stuart. My handle is very stupid I know. ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜ฏ

Anyhow I have assigned the following permissions to the "Registered" group.


I can successfully view the wiki page, and I see a button to "edit". When I click the edit button as a Registered user I am told I cannot edit it. I have edited the page as an Admin user. I have also noticed that it becomes put in the "Waiting for Approval" folder as a *Page (draft). This is the not the reaction I get as a Registered user. After editing and approving the page, however, now NO ONE can see it but an Admin user.

I think TikiWiki has great potential. But I do not have 6 hours a day to figure this out if it not intuitive enough for a programmer with many years experience like me to grok in a couple of days. I need help, and fast.

I am serious — can I hire you? I will send money via PayPal when the job is done, we can negotiate a rate. Will you set it up the approval permissions system for me? Will anyone login to my site and try to get this working? I will send you the logins and you can go for it. I have oncoming deadline. Thanks!

posts: 54 Germany

Hi Stuart,

no, you can't hire me ๐Ÿ˜‰, but I can have a look at your site, if you really want to. Without any guaranty โ— - I can only tell you, that it works on my site - and I'm all other than experienced ... exept for creating chaos and destruction ๐Ÿ˜.

If you want, PN me your site - backup ALL before ! - and give me time to finish my dinner ...


posts: 19
Thanks for your kindness. I have sent you a PM with my site information.

posts: 54 Germany
Now just have a look at your site ๐Ÿ˜‰

posts: 19


Thanks that works! One question, why so many "Staging:: xxxx" categories? Do you think they will be used?

I owe you one. If you never need any help with Drupal or CMS Made Simple or CSS those are my strong areas, send me a message.

posts: 54 Germany

Thank you for your offer, Stuart! Maybe I will soon ask you, when I again crashed my theme ๐Ÿ˜‚ ...

Well, the subcategories I just added to show you an example for configuration which can be useful and works fine ๐Ÿ˜‰. I thinks it's a good solution, when you sometimes have a lot of staging pages and more than one editor/validator working on the approval - so they can "communicate" by categorizing the pages according to their status - withou disturbing the staging and approval system.

If you don't need them yet, you can safely take them away / deleting them, cause the configuration of their "mother-category" won't be touched. But when you later will create them again, remember to select the box to give them automatically all the permissions from their "mother-category" ("Staging")!

Good work ๐Ÿ˜Š, Rontu

posts: 19

Hey funny question...how do I create a menu of pages, for the public to see?

The ultimate goal for me is to have a menu at the top of my site called "Countries" with about 20 countries in the menu. I will have one page for each country. I was able to create a page called "Burma" but only after activating the module "Quick Edit" — I didn't see any other way to add pages.

I created a menu, and created a category, made a page, but I can't put them all together. How do I accomplish this goal?


posts: 289 United States

You should probably create a separate thread for new issues. I'm not exactly clear on where you're having the difficulty. It sounds like you have multiple problems:

  1. How to create new pages
  2. How to link to pages using menu items
  3. How to use/display a custom menu

and probably others.

This might help you:

  1. Quick Edit module is probably the easiest, otherwise create a link to a page by editing an existing page and then preview that edit (not save). Then click the question mark in the preview that links to the new, as yet uncreated page.
  2. The URL for the menu item should be the page that you want to link to. You can either use wiki syntax, e.g. ((PageName)) or you can use relative links such as tiki-index.php?page=<Your Page Name Here>
  3. Once you have created your custom menu, create a custom module under Admin Modules, that contains your custom menu. There are drop-down boxes at the bottom of the Admin Modules page to help you do this. The basic syntax is {menu id=<id of custom menu>}. Don't forget to assign the custom module.
posts: 19

Thanks for the info. I have added pages and put them in the menu.

The only issue left is that I want the menu to be a drop-down "select" menu.

You know, {select} {option} {option} ... {/select} and when they select the country they want, onchange it goes to that page. I have not understood how I can make this happen. I was instructed that a "type='vert'" menu with PHP Layers would accomplish this and thusly I have included what I believe is all the necessary CSS and Javascript from the "Simple" template that comes default with the install. However, the menu doesn't work.

Please let me know how I can get the drop down menu. As I mentioned in my last post, I am also looking to hire someone to make these changes for me. I am running out of time on this project and can pay with PayPal after the task is done.

posts: 54 Germany

Hi Stuart,

  1. you can add pages over the structure, too, if you have enabled that feature. Otherwise go the way, Darkbee described.
  2. I activated the PHPlayers on your site under admin > features for nicer category displaying. Did you let it enabled?
  3. For information about creating a custom menu look at http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Menus&bl=y. And when integrating your new custom menu in a module remember to "call" it {phplayers id=X type=vert}. Otherwise it won't be shown as a dynamic PHPlayer menu.


posts: 54 Germany

p.s.: Or cause you've still written your own CSS, probably it would be interesting for you, to display your new menu as suckerfish menu?

If so, enable CSS suckerfish menus under admin > features and when integrating the menu in a module use the parameter css=y.

... more information in the page I linked you in my last post ...

posts: 19
Hi I activated the suckerfish menus. Then I coded the menu to be "css=y" and still I don't say any flyout menus or drop down menus. I only see the "arrow" menu as I always have - no change. Just to make sure it wasn't my custom theme, I changed to another theme, and the suckerfish menus would not work still. I'm getting confused here....any ideas?
posts: 4661 Japan

About menus, CSS (suckerfish) menus are new to Tiki and I'm not sure they are completely ready to use. I'd try using PHP Layers menus, which are more mature and predictable, even though they're more "old school" in terms of web technique.

More generally, it's a good idea to get your site fully functional in an unmodified theme first, then make the custom theme. That makes it a lot easier to track down the cause of problems, or at least to know it isn't your theme that's causing them.

-- Gary

posts: 54 Germany

Only some ideas, I am not familiar with the CSS Menus on TikiWiki at all, so just little thoughts:

  • Is your custom menu set on (I think) "d" - expand automatically? - not knowing, if this is necessary ...

  • Did you test it with a new TikiWiki 2.1 theme, e.g. the nice eatlon, which is running as default on themes.tikiwiki.org actually? Maybe older bundled themes will not support this option completely ... (?)

  • Are the sections in the custom menu configured well - section, option, option, section ...?

Good luck!

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